Missing code sample on CollectionService page

I hope I am doing this right, I just wanted to inform this board that there are missing code samples on the page: https://www.robloxdev.com/api-reference/class/CollectionService

The text description mentions there are code samples, but there are none on the page. I feel like I remember seeing them before. I also notice this same situation on other pages I use to look at code samples from, but I do not have any specific pages to cite at this time.

I think it’s because there’s code on GetInstanceAddedSignal, GetInstanceRemovedSignal, HasTag, GetTags, GetTagged and RemoveTag. Regardless, the text does put the assumption that there are code samples present on that page, which there isn’t, so that should be fixed.

I think it’s best for there to be a simple demo of services like these on their page. New developers won’t know where to begin otherwise.

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Yeah, probably a good idea to have both, so that there’s examples on the API page it’s self (so it’s convenient while I’m developing to just scroll down on the page and see an example, and also so that way the main page doesn’t get cluttered with code), but also code on the main page so that new scripters aren’t lost.

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I posted this so it’s available for who ever needs it.

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That looks like the old wiki- we’re referencing the new one here.