Issue Description:
The Creator Store ( does not include the previously available fonts. Several fonts that were accessible and usable in past years are now missing from the store, affecting the accessibility of new Roblox projects that rely on these fonts for consistency in design.
Reproduction Steps
- Navigate to the Creator Store for Fonts at
- Search for fonts that were available in previous years (New fonts are live!).
Expected Behavior:
The Creator Store should include all fonts that were once available to developers. Users should be able to find and use fonts accessible in previous years without disrupting their projects.
List of Fonts Missing:
- Source Sans
- Bodoni
- Garamond
- Cartoon
- Code
- Highway
- Sci Fi
- Arcade
- Fantasy
- Antique
- Amatic S C
- Bangers
- Creepster
- Denk One
- Fredoka One
- Fondamento
- Grenze Gotisch
- Indie Flower
- Josefin Sans
- Jura
- Kalam
- Luckiest Guy
- Merriweather
- Michroma
- Nunito
- Oswald
- Patrick Hand
- Permanent Marker
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Mono
- Sarpanch
- Special Elite
- Titillium Web
- Ubuntu
Visual Aids:
(Sample of a font used for many cartoony projects not being listed on the Creator Store)
Page URL: