Misused Studios is looking for an experienced scripter for pets! Pay can be discussed, (15k+)

About Us

Hi there! We are Misused Studios, a small upcoming game development team. We’re looking for a scripter who is willing to join our team and work with us on our new game.

The Team
@KecsPlays_YT - Builder,Modeler, UI Designer
@Craqui_ii - Builder Modeler
@Nicholas1088 - Scripter

About The Job

We are looking for a professional scripter with atleast 3 years of experience. Must be able to script Trading, Pet Systems and a lot of basic stuff. The game is already done at the building and ui designing part, its ready to be scripted!

Example of our game's build style


We will be discussing payment but for this pet system it will probably be 10 - 15k ROBUX or more, we’re looking for a permanent scripter to help us with trading which the 15k might condone into if needed, we might pay for the trading separately!

Contact Us

You can contact me on Dev Forum in the replies, or on DISCORD my name is cap#9990
You must be 14 years or older to apply, and you must be ACTIVE WHEN SAID, !!AND ABLE TO WORK!!

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


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