As you become an MR, a question might pop into your head - how do I get promoted from here? This guide hopes to answer that question!
- Activity •
Activity is crucial for a promotion as an MR. As a Middle Rank, your responsibilities are to remain active at both the cafe and sessions - trainings. You should find a good balance between moderating the bakery to ban trolls and such, and attending sessions.
- Hinting
We expect that you are fully aware NOT to hint for a promotion at any time. This is obvious and if you do so, you will receive a warning and High Ranks will be warier of promoting you.
- Discord
Remaining active on Discord is critical for an MR, and subsequently, for getting promoted. You need to be as active on Discord as you can because that’s where you can get to know your peers, become more comfortable with them and build on your teamwork skills - teamwork is absolutely essential for being an MR; it’s what Mlinar is all about. If you ever receive a warning - whether it be for immaturity, inactivity, or anything else - we will message you on Discord, as we expect you to be on there daily.
- Leadership
As you get higher into becoming a Middle Rank, we expect you to start showing leadership skills. These include simply helping out your workmates and if they do something that they shouldn’t, telling a High Rank. Don’t worry too much about this as a Staff Assistant.
President, Writer