July 28, 2020, 1:40pm
Welcome to the Mlinar’s Handbook !
- Group Information
A substantial amount of effort is put into Mlinar by baristas who brew your drink, and the executives who help manage the company. Each and every day we strive to be successful and to make your Mlinar experience one that’s remarkable. We work to accomplish a long-lasting, positive impression on our customers and staff.
- Introduction
The following links are to our guides and bakery. Please take the time to read them to learn our ground rules and to visit the bakery afterward!
- Index:
Mlinar - Bakery
Mlinar - Recipe Guide
- Hot Beverages Selection
Regular: Regular Machine = Regular
Regular w/ Cream: Regular + Cream = Regular w/ Cream
Decaf: Decaf Machine = Decaf
Decaf w/ Cream: Decaf + Cream = Decaf w/ Cream
Espresso: Espresso Machine = Espresso
Steamed Milk: Steamed Milk Machine = Steamed Milk
Steamed Water: Steamed Water Machine = Steamed Water
Latte: Espresso + Steamed Milk = Latte
Mocha: Espresso + Steamed Milk + Mocha Sauce = Mocha
Cappuccino: Steamed Milk + Espresso = Cappuccino
Mlinar - Session Times
- Introduction
The training session times are the same for every day of the week. Unscheduled sessions can also be held throughout the day, except within one hour of a scheduled session (when an interview or training must be held).
For an unscheduled session to be hosted, you must have at least one other admin with you to assist in moving the session along.
Training Times:
Tuesday & Thursday - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT, 6PM EST / 11PM GMT
Saturday-Sunday: 12PM EST / 5PM GMT
Mlinar - Code of Conduct
- Introduction
The Code of Conduct is an organized page of rules for all ranks, including customers and guests, at the bakery. How you present yourself, behave, and go about your day with other people needs to be in check with these rules. Failure to follow these rules will result in disciplinary action.
- Dress Code
Our staff should be dressed in a decent manner. We want a positive and professional look towards customers and other groups when they visit the bakery. Although …
Mlinar - Appeal Guide
If you feel that you were banned unjustly or unfairly, you can send an appeal to a High Rank and we will review it. You should include the following things in your appeal:
-When were you banned?
-Who banned you?
-Do you know what you were banned for? If so, why were you banned?
-Do you feel that the ban was biased or influenced by any past experiences with that admin?
-Is there anything else important that you think we should know?
Your appeal will get a response as soon as possible - a Hi…
Mlinar - MR Promotion Guide
As you become an MR, a question might pop into your head - how do I get promoted from here? This guide hopes to answer that question!
- Activity •
Activity is crucial for a promotion as an MR. As a Middle Rank, your responsibilities are to remain active at both the cafe and sessions - trainings. You should find a good balance between moderating the bakery to ban trolls and such, and attending sessions.
- Hinting
We expect that you are fully aware NOT to hint for a pro…
Mlinar - Alliance Application
- Introduction
Thank you for wishing to affiliate with Mlinar! In order to submit an affiliate request, we ask that you answer the following questions for your group. We are looking to build healthy relationships with other groups as well as mutually benefitting from an alliance.
Submit the Affiliate Application to any HR in the Mlinar group and they’ll review the application.
- Alliance Application Questions
[1] What is the name of the group you are requesting an allianc…
Mlinar - Frequently Asked Questions
- Introduction
This post will provide answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you have a question that isn’t answered in this guide, feel free to ask any available MR or HR!
- Questions & Answers
[Q1] I’m a novice, how do I get promoted?
[A1] You earn promotions by attending and passing trainings. The scores required to pass for each rank are listed in the training guide*. Once you have reached the rank of Senior Barista, look at the Senior Barista Pro…
- Update Log
Most recent additions/updates to the index - Some guides have been removed from the handbook due to them being outdated or the system is not used anymore and has changed rapidly since the last time this handbook has been written.
- Conclusion
We hope that this thread has helped you and given you insight into what it is like to work at Mlinar! If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to speak with any staff member!
- Founded by achqes, and DesiredLiIy on July 15th, 2020.