Mlinar - Novice Expectations

:coffee: - Introduction

It is expected of every trainee to use proper grammar at all times while at any Mlinar facility, including the Bakery and Training Center. Novices should be using the cookbook to learn how to make drinks. If there is any confusion while you are attempting to make a drink, ask a Senior Barista for help! It is good training for them, and they will be more than happy to assist. You should greet people that come up to your register with maturity and confidence, and do so by pressing the CTRL+V keys to paste it into the ROBLOX chatbar. (COMMAND+V for Mac Users)

GREETING EX: Hello, welcome to Mlinar Bakery! What would you like to order today?

Mlinar - Cookbook

:person_in_tuxedo: - Promotions •

To be promoted to the next rank, you must attend training sessions. Once you have obtained the rank of Senior Barista, it is advised that you view the SB Promotion Guide, so you can begin your process of working towards MR team.

Mlinar - SB Promotion Guide

:open_book: - Summary

Simply working behind the counter at the bakery for practice and attending trainings will get you promoted. On the contrary, asking HRs for promotions will hurt your chances of rising through the ranks beyond SB, and annoying MRs & HRs won’t get you any promotions and may result in warning or demotion if repeatedly done.

President, Writer