- Introduction
This post will provide answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you have a question that isn’t answered in this guide, feel free to ask any available MR or HR!
- Questions & Answers
[Q1] I’m a novice, how do I get promoted?
[A1] You earn promotions by attending and passing trainings. The scores required to pass for each rank are listed in the training guide*. Once you have reached the rank of Senior Barista, look at the Senior Barista Promotion Guide* for more details on how to begin your journey to SA.
[Q2] I’ve been an SB for a while now, and I haven’t been promoted to SA. What should I be doing to get promoted?
[A2] Assuming you’ve read the Senior Barista Promotion Guide***, it is recommended that you be working behind the counter as much as you can and doing little things to personalize your interaction with customers. This can include using a unique, but appropriate, greeting, and assisting any lower ranks that may need help learning about Mlinar. We also recommend that you do not ask about the SA position so much as it may come off as a desperate attempt to be noticed, as it will hurt your chances drastically for a promotion.
[Q3] I passed my training, but I wasn’t promoted. What should I do?
[A3] You should try to contact the staff member that passed you as soon as possible. If you cannot reach them, contact any of our HRs about your situation, and we will look into it as quickly as we can.
[Q4] How can I affiliate with Mlinar?
[A4] Thank you for wishing to affiliate with Mlinar! In order to submit an affiliate request, we ask that you read the “Mlinar - Affiliate Application” post below.
Mlinar - Affiliate Application
**Mlinar - Trainee Expectations **
Mlinar - Head Barista Promotion Guide
President, Writer