Mobile UI scaling help?

How can I stop my UI from being deformed when still using scale?
The textbutton is just an example for the zooming of the crosshair, the main thing i’m worrying about it the crosshair.

I couldn’t find any good videos or plugins on how to achieve this. I do know that there was one plugin that fixes this but it was put off sale

The Plugin

Gui Rescaler - Roblox


Hey! Maybe try using this plugin:

It has been really helpful to me and I hope it can help you out too. :slight_smile:


I’ve tried that, all it does as far as I know is change it from Offset to scale vice versa. It’s just simply not what i’m looking for.

have the frame scaled
not just the gui elements

(every feature)

They’re all frames. I’ve tried to put the frames inside one big frames thats the size of (1,0,1,0), it didn’t work.

wat if you tried to rescale it each time based on the pixel size of the screen.

I don’t think that’s simply possible, please correct me if i’m wrong.

i belive that workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize could provide the solution to this application

I’ll check this out and see what I can do with it, thanks!

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Since the main problem here is keeping the aspect ratio of the crosshair to 1 (aka keeping it as a square), you should use UIAspectRatioConstraint. But for that, you need to have all of the frames (B, L, M, R, T) to be part of the same element, so just parent them to one frame called “Crosshair”. After, just insert a UIAspectRatioConstraint inside the “Crosshair.” I don’t believe you need to change the settings, but you can fiddle with them to find out which one will work best for you.

By the way, to gain more insight on positioning and scaling your UI, feel free to check out my tutorial: