Moderating tools that would save thousands of games

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to moderate your game. There’s a huge hole for banning, verifications for banning, and unbanning. :Kick() isn’t enough, you can’t kick them or ban them from out of the game. If they’re offline. You can use a table full of user ids, but those get bulky and are hard work maintaining them, since every day I get like 20 exploiter reports probably.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would be able to hire moderators extremely easily, with just a simple feature: the Game Dashboard.

There are a few other solutions I must discuss before this, and that’s a couple new functions: The :Ban() and the :BanOutOfGame() function. They do exactly what you’d think they’d do: ban them if they’re in-game or ban them if they’re out of game.

Now, when any of these new kicking functions run, it sends a message to the Game Dashboard saying something like, “Moderator rubixxman banned HackerAlt123 for fly exploiting.” There would also be an option to revoke these bans too.

In case a moderator is going beserk, you can demote them and choose to kick or ban them from the game (both would kick them but banning would not let them come back).

When trying to join the game when banned, you can get met up with a custom kick message set in the Game Dashboard that can say something like, “Appeal in the Discord server” or something.

I almost used a suspicious Discord webhook to hook up ban messages to my Discord server, since Discord blocks Roblox requests, but I realized that Roblox should add a feature where the messages go to THEM.

Now for some backstory

All my moderators joined a clan that the demoted community manager had made, and I’m left with only two moderators (including myself. Though me and the only moderator left hardly ban people). If Roblox were to add this, it would be a complete lifesaver since I’d be able to hire moderators again. But in the meantime, I cannot since they can be teaming with that dangerous clan and just backstab while I’m sleeping, and I’d probably wake up with no players in-game. My game currently has a concurrent player average of 400, yet exploiters are everywhere.

So please Roblox, if the Game Dashboard were added, this would LITERALLY SAVE MY LIFE!!! PLS ROBLOX LISTEN!!!


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Developers are not equipped to deal with exploiters

Hyperfocusing on your proposed solution instead of the problem isn’t really the way to go. There’s a lot more than can be done than just these few things and talking about the broader problem helps Roblox get a sense of scope in requesting features.

Would encourage you to follow the in-depth discussion of the following thread:


What else am I supposed to explain!!! I said moderating is too hard! I even listed some back story on how hard it is to moderate rn

Going to merge this into the linked topic above since there aren’t any new requests here compared to that topic. Thanks for the post!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Developers are not equipped to deal with exploiters