Moderation is bad? Let me know your opinion

Hello, my question in first place is if roblox can refuse your ugc appeals for a temporal ban you had in your acount, but didnt want to make another topic for it, one is enough, well depending of the type of ban of course, I recently got banned for discrimination for saying something “offensive” to a hAcker, Im dont gonna say it, who knows if I can be banned for that again, but it wasnt with the intention to discriminate, what I said is a form to call someone who doesnt have skill in a game, but moderation take it as I was discriminating the hacker, when he was ruining the game in first place, he didnt say nothing to me to say it, ok, but taking adventage of a hack to kill everyone in the server is enough to frustrate everyone, also the game in this case has a hAcker in almost all the servers, and the server where I was, was full of hackers, so it gets more frustratiing, so I say what I say out of frustration,bad of mine, but calling it discrimination and receiving a ban of 3 days for it, is exaggerated and injustified in my opinion, it surprase me that they take more in count the report of a hacker than a legit player, that hey take it in count is bad enough, tbh, well I dont want to change anything with this, just want to know your opinion, if is a valid ban or not, and if it can harm my ugc appeal, thanks for reading lol


Don’t know about anything else but don’t even bother with roblox moderation. If they try to ban you for something stupid, reupload it. I remember one time I got banned for saying “hi” to my friend. Literally all that was in the message; they said it was for harassment. Another time I got a warning for saying “this game is boring”. Anyway, just forget about it. Roblox is crap.


In case of bans I would only recommend to appeal. Appealing might remove the warning and get your account unbanned or warning removed too and item restored. The thing that sucks much more is group moderation. I made a post on this by myself. If you are interested check it out: Groups Moderation


Ah, I forgot to tell that I appealed twice, they refuse it, saying that they checked all the proof, and I was the “bad guy” in this case, so for them I was lying or they really take it as a discriminaction act, to a hAcker… lol like I did know that roblox moderation was bad, but giving a better treatment to a hAcker, and giving gim the reason, and they have the BALLER to refuse it twice , what it worries me is for things like this they can refuse your ugc appeals, I sitll dont know if it affect ditectly to it, hope is not


First of all, Roblox only accepts the first appeal on one case. If you try to appeal multiple times to the same case, Roblox will ignore them. And I kinda can underarand why “hacker” is being seen as a discrimination, it’s becauae you are calling people names, which is discrimination. Obviously calling someone a hacker is probably the weirdest one. In your appeal you should have tried to explain that you didn’t try to descriminate someone with the word hacker, but…

Hacker is not like offensive though, unlike some other slurs. Hacker is someone who hacks and messes with data or scripts; you mess up and ruin the game, you’re a hacker. That’s what you get called.

Yes, exactly! Someone, who ruins the game for others! It’s something noone should be accused of it. Ofc if there is a real Hacker, but you know that in lots of cases people are getting accused not for real reasons. For example: a skilled player can be called hacker by accident too.

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Roblox moderation has its ups and downs. It works well in most cases, clearing up the minority who really do break Roblox’s Community Guidelines.

However, people shouldn’t rely on it 100% of the time as some exploiters and other nasty people can slip through this moderation. And worse still, the innocent players could get moderated themselves.

If I were in control of a game, I would use some well-built admin panel that kicks and bans certain players. But other than that, the moderation could do with some improvement and by some I mean A LOT!

Thanks for reading :slightly_smiling_face:

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istg roblox moderation literally makes me want to apply for roblox, and apply for the moderation job. :man_facepalming:


Adding to this, once I got warned for uploading a T-Shirt which was Google’s definition of test. I submitted a support ticket that included a message like, “If you don’t take off this warning from my account, you’ll lose a customer who has been with you since 2015.” Unlike the slow response from Roblox support, they got back to me within about 5 minutes, confirming that they had removed the warning. Almost as if they’re monitoring what text is in support tickets.

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There isn’t a dedicated moderation role within Roblox itself. The positions directly offered by Roblox are typically related to roles like Software Engineering. Moderation is typically outsourced to third-party companies or AI.


yeah, but you get what i mean.

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I do, but I was trying to tell you that’s why Roblox’s moderation is so bad, as it is outsourced and AI.


ah , i explained wrong i think , he was literally hacking , and i told him another thing , that is a form to call a non skilled player , like noob , but more ““offensive”” , but tbh i never seen someone be offended by that , the word was “manc0” btw, you can traduce it to spanish , in here is common to say a hacker or a non skilled player “manc0” , and i have seen ppl say it all the time , in this case i think that the hacker in a way of “revenge” report me for that, and is crazy that he gets away with it ,considering he should be the banned for breaking the rules in first place

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so the ppl that answer the appeals are bots too ? , ik the ban was because moderation ai was bad, but then a real person refuse it too , so idk what to think , if real mods dont give the time to review the case ,or they really think what i say is discrimination that donesnt make any sense , considering the context i say


Unfortunately, Roblox doesn’t disclose the internal arrangements for processing appeals. It’s very likely that a third-party company handled your appeal, as appeals are typically not reviewed by AI.

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oh alright, that makes sense.

char limit

I can explain it since you probably used the wrong category like " Development Discussion", which has nothing to do with developing at all.

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If he is hacking or not, you still called him an unskilled player. I know, it’s dumb, but it’s the way Roblox works. Instead of calling him a hacker you should have silently reported him. That’s at least what Roblox wants from you.

that would be a great reason but the moderator told me it was taken down for discussing moderation