Modesty layer should not be required on bundles that support 2D Clothing

Welcome back everyone!

Roblox is further doubling down, and are currently actively enforcing this rule, that was previously left unmoderated.

This rule being unmoderated so far has allowed creators to make bundles with semi transparent modesty layers, which made it so 2D clothes would still be visible under them.
As much as I honestly understand why this rule is there, and is finally being enforced, most bundles that used it were compatible with 2D clothing, which means, once again, that a default modesty layer would’ve been applied under it anyway.

Roblox, this situation is genuinely getting to a lot of creators. Modesty layers are actively hurting our creativity, as Layered clothing isn’t always a viable option. Please consider this thread and @Maximum_ADHD’s thread as proper feedback from the community, and look into allowing creators to make bundles which are compatible with your older 2D clothing system.

One of your representatives has stated that you would be doing that about 8 months ago!

This is long overdue, I know this is uncalled for, but you guys should’ve looked into fixing issues like these over trying to release public UGC this suddenly.

As for everyone else, please check out these threads, and make yourselves heard:


That quoted post… Roblox as a whole is really living up to that admin’s username aren’t they?

Do excuse my backhanded comment starting this post out, but quite frankly I’m incredibly frustrated right now. Not only with roblox heavily restricting any creative freedom possible, but putting me at risk of losing 90% of my one source of income just because of an arbitrary rule-change that WAS NOT THERE when i first uploaded my bundles, but also with roblox’s insistence on this subject, yet seemingly outright REFUSAL to ACTUALLY moderate their platform in ways that make logical sense, this all just screams ‘investor satiation’ to me. None of this is making roblox safer, it’s only making it less creatively free while bad actors in the community get off without so much as a slap on the wrist.

“Hm yesss our platform is full of unchecked vulnerabilities and places that put younger users in danger. Let’s enforce rules on custom avatar bodies that would ALREADY have an automatic modesty layer on them because of the 2d clothing system that we TOTALLY don’t support yet the avatars break regardless without proper UV’s to fit them on! Oh, ! and while we’re at it let’s make sure that all avatar bundles just range between off-model robloxians and realistic looking humanoids and nothing else! that’ll make things safe, right investors!?”


Funfact, Roblox’s default R6/15 bodies has no modesty layer !

Its getting out of hand seriously, one of my smol bundles that HAS A MODESTY LAYER (the black brick) are completely deleted off Roblox and I had to spend 175 robux again for it, will it be deleted AGAIN in the future? Empowering Limited Creativity I guess


These are also old, back when Roblox actually cared about 2D Clothing and Faces. Unlike today where it seems like they’re doing everything in their power to try and shove them to the side (And failing miserably)


I totally agree; Roblox should let UGC bundles support 2D clothing and the default modesty layer that Roblox naturally uses when you aren’t wearing enough! Though this isn’t the only thing that makes me not feel interested in being a UGC (catalog, not Creator Store/experience assets) creator, it’s definitely one of the more major reasons. I made a good custom character model that supports 2D clothing, which would make for a good UGC bundle, as you can see here (with the default modesty layer, :mad:Roblox staff):
A very rounded R15 Roblox character model, facing towards the camera. It has light skin, and is wearing a purple shirt and grey shorts, Roblox's standard modesty layer clothing.
…but it would never be allowed on the marketplace unless I ruined it by adding dumb pitch black blobs over specific regions, which would cover up most of its torso if it was deemed “too feminine”.

:ohmy: Look at how bad it looks now! Ugh…!

Even if there are workarounds (uploading two bundles, one with each “censor block”), there’s no guarantee those still work, or wouldn’t result in the bundle(s) getting removed later, anyways.

So, yeah, Roblox needs to stop focusing on metaverse-y layered clothing and let creators make bundles that support 2D clothing, as long as it uses a legitimate UV layout. Because of this dumb policy, I don’t feel any interest in even bothering to enter the UGC program or whatever. Instead, I turned my character model into a resource, so it can be used in other people’s experiences.


Lol, who could’ve guessed if Roblox has taken down their own bundles that don’t have modesty layer.


Yeah so are you gonna fix this crap or are we gonna continue getting pwnd by terrible band-aid policies?


Review bombing, and playing the game way less as to protest against, might be the only option to revert this rule.

It’s a similar process to what happened on helldivers.

We could plan this out if things get too far.

We know this isn’t ideal and we have a few ideas for how to improve this situation, but nothing we are ready to unveil just yet. Stay tuned

*radio silence for 8 months and counting*

they could literally just 1. show the default 2D clothing/old checkerboard texture on the asset thumbnail of bundles and 2. allow bundles to not have a modesty later IF they have properly set up UV maps without any conspicious errors/distortions, and that would fix the entire situation with very little effort and without ANY extra effort in the engine since they already work, but they just don’t want to do it

(spoiler: because they get more money from 3D clothing and they promised 100% conversion to their precious Shareholders, which take precedence over us peasant-class Consumers)


This constant long-term and still-ongoing radio silence from the Avatar team is a complete and utter failure to do diligence. People in the community are angry, militant, unreasonable, and downright abusive, I get it. It’s not nice to interact with the community, but it’s still your job. You will get more valuable feedback, less overall negative sentiment, and build a better product if you would open a dialogue and communicate, rather than staying quiet and making back to back to back decisions that are impossible to understand from an outside point of view. If people understand, it’s harder for them to be angry.

The reasoning for having a modesty layer on bundles that support 2D clothing does not make sense after all the arguments that have been brought up here. It is extremely possible for moderators to review bundles with Roblox’s default 2D modesty clothing applied to confirm the UVs are reasonable. So what is the issue? Can we please hear literally anything from you guys?

“We can’t share much because of legal reasons” is also a valid answer. Literally anything.


This sucks honestly, The only way to bypass this would be to make two bundles, one having the modesty layer on the legs and one on the torso then mixing and matching the parts for the consumer, However this means that it would cost the consumer twice the bundle’s price at minimum with roblox’s new Dynamic floor which STINKS


time for roblox to ban it’s own characters, since from robloxian 1.0 to 3.0 there is no artificial modesty layer.

Seriously roblox your moderation sucks, I try to be nice but what incompetent fool running moderation department sees all the garbage going on and thinks this is the important focus?


Roblox does not enforce those as roblox calls those “classic bundles”, Even though you can make ur custom ugc bundle support classic clothing roblox still requires it as they were never intended too