ModuleScript to track a player's progress on a path

Have you ever had issues figuring out who is ahead in a race? Well, look no further! I have made a ModuleScript that allows you to track where a player is on a path. This can be especially useful for racing games where you might want to figure out who is ahead or behind.

You can find a demo place here: (the place should be free to take)

The ModuleScript can be found here:


  • Create or delete multiple path objects.
  • Set the range/thickness of a path - and/or its sections.
  • Add or remove players from one or more paths.
  • Return a player’s progress as an absolute number or a value between 0 and 1.
  • Enable/disable the module or individual paths (do not forget to enable everything first!).
  • Set how often progress is updated internally.

Documentation can be found inside the ModuleScript at the top.

Found any issues? Let me know!


although I probably won’t have a use for this, i think this is a really good learning resource and i think people will find it useful :smiley: thanks for posting it

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Wow this is just what I needed! Much appreciated, thanks for the post!

Won’t have a use for this but I see many who will! I am going to have a look at the code! Thanks!