Momentum | Essential character effects to make your game more lively

A free and simple system that adds things like head movement, jump cooldown and walk bobbling for your player characters.

Fully-supported on PC and Mobile devices!

Currently, only works on R6 as of now

Model Link


Current Version

Momentum v1.3



  • Head Movement:
    • Head follows the direction the player’s camera is facing, similar to how most games do it
  • Head Lock:
    • Feature that allows the player to lock their head in place, making it unable to move (useful for screenshots)
  • Replication:
    • Players can see eachother’s head moving
  • Jump Cooldown:
    • Cooldown before the player can jump again
  • First-Person Bobbling:
    • Small movements of the camera while the player is walking



  • A.enabled = Determines if head movement is enabled or disabled
  • A.replication = If other players can see the head movement of others
  • A.replicationInterval = Interval between each transmission of head position data (The higher, the less the remote event is fired, and lower, the more the remote event is fired)
  • A.smoothingFactor = The smoothing factor applied to the head movement
  • A.lockFeature = Feature that allows the player to lock their head in place
  • A.lockButtonImageID = The image ID to be used for the mobile lock feature button
  • A.lockButtonPosition = Position in UDim2 for the lock feature button
  • A.lockKey = The keybind for the lock feature
  • A.lockMechanism = What kind of mechanism to use for the lock feature (Toggle or Hold are supported)


  • bobbleEnabled = If bobble should happen when walking (only in first person)
  • jumpCooldown = The time it takes to be able to jump again

Settings are located in the Momentum_Client script as attributes

You’re absolutely allowed to use this system without crediting me! However, if you wish to do so I would greatly appreciate it!

Feedback is also greatly appreciated! : )

(It’s my first time making a post like this, so sorry if it looks bad!)


Very cool!

Ill be using this in my game… :+1: :smile:

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Awesome! I hope you enjoy it :smiley:

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Momentum - 1.2 Changelogs

New setting:

A.replicationInterval = Interval between each transmission of head position data (The higher, the less the remote event is fired, and lower, the more the remote event is fired)

Setting renames:


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Fyi anything you do to your character on the client is replicated (when it comes to editing your body parts and Motor6ds)

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As for manipulating the Neck’s CFrame on the client-side, it doesn’t get replicated automatically, so Momentum does it manually by using RemoteEvents

Wouldn’t it be better to use UnreliableRemoteEvents instead of RemoteEvents for this?

Quoting the announcement post for UnreliableRemoteEvents:

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Oh, that’s true, I’ll replace the RemoteEvent with an Unreliable one soon, thank you!

I was thinking of either using regular Events or Unreliable events, seems like Unreliable is the way to go

Momentum - 1.3 Changelogs


Moved from using RemoteEvents to UnreliableRemoteEvents for the head movement replication