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At the very least, don’t go about giving up on resources just because they take too much work or time to update. One resource which can be improved is better than having multiple, all of which gets unfinished with Developers not satisfied with your work.

At the rate you’re progressing, you’re pretty much building yourself a negative reputation with the DevForum, so try to actually collect and listen feedback, and consider them. Success doesn’t come without hard work.


if you talking about the anticheat, i stop to working on it because everyone whines.
and it was also free.


If you are getting negative feedback, instead of responding defensively like:

“Oh, my modules don’t actually use _____? Do some research before responding.”

Try taking it from a different approach, and ask them politely what they mean:

“Sorry if you have been experiencing this, could you perhaps elaborate what you mean by _____?”

The purpose of creating public topics for your resources, is not only to showcase them to other Developers, but to also collect constructive feedback. You need to ask them to elaborate further if you are unsure on what a specific feedback means, instead of constantly defending yourself and arguing with others.

In the future, you should try doing some research about common behaviour when creating Plugins for the ease of Developers. A good way to start would be to analyse and observe the topics posted in #help-and-feedback categories, as it shows what aspects Developers require help in, and where you can step in to save them the hassle of constantly doing repetitive work.


Not sure why checking player speed on a LocalScript was a “strong” anti-cheat but okay.

I want to see a plugin that lets me create UI and hydrate it easily with minimal effort. Why don’t you make a plugin that does so?


Please, consider to stop publishing assets. Quit trying to scam young children into buying your monopoly, ChatGPT wrapper, anticheat, string.sub or whatever you are trying to sell. With your negative reputation, you should consider creating a new account or releasing something actually useful.

Also, don’t act like you didn’t use ChatGPT for that post.


update! (v1.2)

i added & changed things, this is what you can do for now:

  • you can move your player and buy places.
  • the ai can move too he can buy places too.
  • now the jail system is working.
  • the cash system is work.
  • the luck system now work with some things you can get or lose.
  • the companies is now working, every company you have its more 200 cash that the other player will pay every time he is on one of your companies.


i fixed a lot bugs.
but there is still many bugs, but i will fix them later.
thanks for reading, i will improve it soon.

please tell me if you find any bugs!

EDIT: i add images to the players, i will add animations later.

⭐ Download! ⭐


Yeah, I and many other people aren’t paying for essentially a stolen IP.

Not even to mention that I could make something 100x better and then release it for free without a care in the world!

Seriously, make something original, useful and price it well.

Also, looking at your video, you have to run the game in order to even play it, so whats the damn point of it being a plugin besides the fact you can sell it?

If I were to remake this, I’d try to make it function within studio without the need to run the game.
Is it possible? Idk maybe, considering how plugins work.

You could probably use a Viewport Frame to render the board, and save the game data into ServerStorage, have a few values within server storage so the game can communicate with other clients and boom. Working monopoly without the need of running the game.

Again, I would release that for free considering its just a stolen IP, but I’d at least try to mask it instead of just taking the name.


Is this gonna be like your cheat blocker you uploaded a while back?

Awesome anti-cheat btw, cheaters can’t stand hello world.


the cheat blocker was free and:


The whole point of it was that it was something basic so that people didn’t have to build everything from scratch when they wanted to build a monopoly game.

and what do you mean stolen IP?


I think it’s because of your module’s name, which is going to get you in trouble with copyright issues.


what do you mean, i can’t write Monopoly?


What’s the point in paying 135 robux for a poorly made plugin, when there are plenty of Monopoly-like games out there, which are easier to play, more aesthetically pleasing, and are free of charge?


there is no things like that in roblox for free


uhh, yeah Ronopoly - Roblox this game has been out for a few years, and it’s free.


you can get the source code of this game?


No, obviously not, it’s a copylocked game.


What’s the point in using a plugin to create a half-created game. You want people to use it and create hundreds of games with your not even finished code? Is that what you are looking for?

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If someone wanted to make their own monopoly game, why would they pay 135 robux to use your barely working code, instead of just writing their own? Because if I understood it correctly, you want your plugin to be like a template of sorts.

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yes, but its not working good because i just created it, its in beta version now, im searching to fix bugs.
come back here in another week - a maximum of two weeks and it will be good.

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