(moon animator) joint movement is "inverted" when i weld a model to a part?

so the title really says mostly everything, i’m working on making a car rig for moon, however i’m having issues, whenever i weld the body to the “body rotation” brick, everything else EXCEPT the body is what moves, video showing it below

i’m willing to answer any questions in order to help out, i can’t find a fix for this, and it only happens when i have the part attached to the car.

the way it works right now is:

“CORE” brick, has all the joints for the wheel motor6ds as well as the motor6d for the “BODYROT” part
“BODYROT” brick, is welded to a part in the car’s body that’s also welded to the rest of the car

any help is greatly appreciated!

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This is been an issue for me too, just now… And tried it with regular roblox animator it’s broken too.

Before it was all working… And I did nothing to change any motor 6ds and somehow it’s broken now.

Try to separate the tires and create a RigEdit Lite for all of them. That will help you so that each wheel does not distort or move together.

thats super strange, hope it can be eventually fixed

what’s a rigpart? i’m not very well informed in the world of m6d rigging and im just working off of what i know

This happens when root part is not anchored. Anchoring will fix it