Moon animator not adding entire rig

Whenever I import my first person arms rig (with some special modifications) to moon animator, I can’t animate half the parts! I tried using the Roblox animation editor, but that imports it correctly and I can animate all the parts. Does moon animator have some weird importing quirk? Here’s the rig:

SNIPED! - Roblox Studio 2_4_2022 5_29_52 PM

The CameraShake, CameraAnim, and CameraBobble parts aren’t getting imported… They are all connected to the HumanoidRootPart.


I don’t know what the problem is with Moon Animator. But I have problems with exporting it like I export animation for an intro for a game but when I actually play the animation it just flings the player’s character off camera,
Maybe just use Roblox’s animation editor, and script the camera movement

I spent over an hour scripting a custom camera controller so I could animate the camera, so I’m not going to script it… but thanks for the advice anyway!

I came up with a really ugly fix… Moon Animator seemed to think that the “RootPart” part was the root part and not the “HumanoidRootPart” even if the rigging says otherwise. So, I just re rigged it so everything was rigged into Bobble, and now it comes up.

What’s the PrimaryPart of the model set to? The property should be set to the HumanoidRootPart in your case. I’m guessing Moon Animator takes priority over PrimaryPart rather than something called HumanoidRootPart, which would make sense if the PrimaryPart property is set to the wrong thing in this case.


That’s it! How did I never think of that? Thanks so much, I’ll make sure to remember this next time!