Morphing players into soccer balls

I want to turn players into a round object (soccer ball) but I have no idea how to go about this.

Do I have to detect the player, make all their parts invisible and then clone and weld my soccerball onto the invisible player or?

looking for a direction or tutorial that could get me started

Simple way to do it is GetChildren on the players character, if the child is a Part, MeshPart or then set the transparency to 1. The clone your soccer ball to the same Position as the characters HumanoidRootPart.

Canā€™t you just put the model in StarterPlayer with it being named ā€˜StarterCharacterā€™?

Or are you supposed to use welding etc and scripts, Iā€™m not familiar with these kind of stuff.

Would you use ā€œpairsā€ or ā€œipairsā€ for something like this? not sure if I am understanding how those work exactly but i think it would something loop through the GetChildren and if I = Part then set transparency to 1

I might be very wrong here haha

This depends on the effect you want. Do you want it to just look like a soccer ball or actually be a soccer ball?
If itā€™s the former then you can just weld a soccer ball model to the character and turn the existing character transparent. If itā€™s the latter then:

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To loop through the character, I use the following:

-- Assuming "character" is the player character you are modifying
for _, child in ipairs(character:GetChildren()) do		-- Loop thru character Children
	if 	part:IsA("Part") or part:IsA("MeshPart") then		-- Check if Child is a Part or a Mesh
		-- Do stuff to the character parts
		part.CanCollide = false
		part.Transparency = 1