Moter6Ds displace parts that their welded to

Whenever I try to rig i always get this glitch where the parts will just move after adding part1 and part0 this very rarely just doesn`t happen for a few moments at random times before happening again

Is it me doing something wrong?

That’s because by setting Part0 and Part1, you aren’t accounting for C0 and C1. I would highly recommend using a plugin for rigging, like RigEdit Lite by Arch_Mage. It’s very easy to use and would solve your problem.

Here’s the plugin if you are interested:

Well you see I actually already tried using it but I get a different problem when I try to rotate the parts in the animation editor it start spinning the rest of the main body at 100 miles per hour (I would show you it but I can’t open studio at the moment)

For anyone reading and having a similar problem I it seems any other rig making plug-in works and I think just try using a different one