Mouse cursor being replaced with strange black bars!

Description of where it occurs:
The bug is related to where your mouse clicker thing is on screen, a recent roblox bug from nowhere created a black bar bug in my game where your mouse is as the same is first person. When you first join the black bar follows where your mouse is and if you tab in/out of game or change a slot in game then it goes in the middle and it disturbs the gameplay as its making the crosshair harder to see!
Experience link: Minerscave 1.5 - Roblox

To be exact: I am not sure when this started to occur but I am sure it was 5/8/2022 or 5/9/2022 as that is when I started to notice it, and before I did not.

Also, this happens to other voxel first person games, example ToxelCraft (Minecraft) - Roblox (someones other game)

This bug is consistent and can’t be prevented!

Picture of problem:

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I’m having trouble reproducing this issue. Your game gives a teleport error and drops me into a black screen, while the cursor in the second game appears correctly.

Could you provide this information?

  • OS and OS version number (this can be found by going to Start → About your PC) - mine would be Windows 10 19044.1645
  • Screen resolution and size scale value from Start → Change the resolution of the display, e.g. 3840x2160, 150%
  • Graphics card model and driver version number
  • The asset ID of the crosshair cursor you’re using (it looks like it might be one from the content folder?)
  • Any settings you’ve changed from default related to the mouse or the mouse cursor

Does this issue happen in any other games, or with other cursor icons? If you’re up for it, try joining this test place and see if you observe any issues: mouse icon testing - Roblox

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Also, have you tried uninstalling Roblox Player and reinstalling it?

You didn’t say if this was a Studio issue for you.

We are also experiencing issues with mouse cursors (but not with black bars). A significant number of players in our games have reported that the mouse cursor is not changing from its default (e.g. when equipping a gun). Due to the Devforum’s flawed promotion system and bug reporting process, I do not have permissions to post a separate bug report myself, so I will do it as a reply here.

Simple repro script:

print("Setting mouse")
local mouse=game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
mouse.Icon = ""

This should change the mouse icon to a gun cursor, but we are seeing no changes. This is impacting a significant number of players in one of our games, meaning this is not an isolated issue to my PC only. I have also attached a mp4 showing this script not working. Important to note that this DOES work in studio test, so it cannot be an issue with the asset.

Roblox client (not working):
Studio client (working):

Diagnostic information (shouldn’t matter as this is not an isolated issue to my PC only):

  • Windows 10 Home - 19043.1645
  • 100%, 1920 x 1080
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090, version 27.21 14.6627
  • Side note: the mouse icon testing place you previously linked works fine.
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The problem with the image asset you’re using is that it is 700x700 pixels in size, mostly consisting of transparent space. There’s now a limit of 256x256 for the max cursor size, because of security concerns. I’d suggest cropping this image and reuploading it.


“There’s now a limit”

Was this change announced on the Devforum? Moreover, it’s not documented anywhere on the API reference for Mouse.Icon. This is a pretty significant change that has potential to break a lot of games depending on these old assets; a high-impact change like this should have been announced, or documented, or otherwise attempting to set the mouse to an asset that’s otherwise “security blocked” should print some relevant message or warning to the console.