Mouse Sensitivity Slider Bar

Alright, my friend won’t stop screaming at me via skype about how high the ROBLOX sensitivity is. I am and have been used from it and have no problem with it, but a lot of the “gamers” hate it.

I would recommend a slider bar below volume that is for mouse sensitivity…

That’s it :slight_smile:

If I remember correctly, they’re working on some mouse sensitivity controls.

Well that’s good :stuck_out_tongue:

Well that’s good :P[/quote]

Actually it would be better if the Mouse Sensitivity was controlled via property:
game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Sensitivity = 1
– Range from 0.1 - 10

[quote] Actually it would be better if the Mouse Sensitivity was controlled via property:
game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Sensitivity = 1
– Range from 0.1 - 10 [/quote]
That’d be much worse, since then your settings aren’t cross-game (and potentially server) anymore, everyone has to create their own settings changer, whereas a single uniform roblox settings menu is simply superior. I don’t see why single games need to control it for every player on their own.
Allowing optional separate settings for specific games might be nice though.

[quote] Actually it would be better if the Mouse Sensitivity was controlled via property:
game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Sensitivity = 1
– Range from 0.1 - 10 [/quote]
UserInputService already lets you fiddle with sensitivity, which can be used for a single game (a FPS, for example). What is being proposed here is a generic sensitivity setting that isn’t dependent on any particular game. Ideally, it would scale the movement of the mouse on a level lower than UserInputService, preventing it from conflicting with a game’s customized sensitivity implementation.

Here’s a simple Lua implementation of a mouse:

I already posted a thread on this :frowning: