Move the emote button off the " > " Key

Recently Roblox implemented the " > " key to be the designated emote button, although this is a quick shortcut, it is in the worst possible position, directly besides the chat key " / " this has resulted in multiple accidental key presses on the emote key and causes a lot of problems. if anything it would make sense to move the emote button to the " < " key instead to stop this issue.

A basic use of Roblox is talking ingame, pressing this emote key instead of the chat key every so often is super annoying and players should have the opinion to disable this or move it to a different key. Games which are high pace and require players to talk ingame quickly are likely to press this emote button multiple times by accident.



The . key was selected as it was originally reserved for the camera; but the keybind was removed about a year ago.

You are able to create a custom keybind, or remove the default emote wheel keybind, in your game using scripts.

The period key is way too intrusive with the slash key. I can’t tell you how many times I have accidentally pressed the period key when I wanted to chat. The emote menu should not even have a keybind in the first place. Too few games even promote the use of emotes anyways for there to be a keybind for it. I second this post.


How do you cope with the enter key next to the delete key? How do you cope with Z being so close to the Windows key? If your game is that fast-paced and that intense that you can’t afford to press the wrong key then my advice is to press the right one.

It makes sense to have the “interact with other players” keys near each other and away from WASD and all the actual important keys.

There aren’t enough keys on the keyboard to give everything an entire key gap on all sides for people who press incorrectly. On that basis your right mouse button should be the other side of the desk.

  1. The Enter key is massive.
  2. Who presses the Z key?
  3. Windows key can be disabled.
  4. You clearly dont talk in roblox.
  5. Why are you making silly comparisons.
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I do talk in Roblox, I just know where my keys are and on the odd occasion I press the wrong one, I’d rather it be the emote key than something that actually causes a problem to the game.

If you can’t press the chat key after all the extra chatting experience you supposedly have over me, then how do you survive in these high pace games where pressing the emote key is the end of the world?


I have been having issues lately with accidentally pressing this key when I intend to chat. I usually move my hand off my mouse to my keyboard to open chat and sometimes go a little bit too far and land on the wrong key since I’m not really looking at the keyboard when I do this.

It might be better on ' or ] instead, which are directly above this key, or the proposed , key which leaves room for error.


Please don’t be rude because you disagree with someone.

There aren’t many reasons for the key to be changed really. How do you accidentally hit the . key while trying to chat; I use Roblox’s chat constantly and have never had the issue.

Additionally, another issue is that if Roblox change core keybinds, this can conflict with games that expect the key to be used for emotes.

As said, you are able to unbind and/or re-bind the key in your own games through scripts.