Move the Handles icon one pixel to the right

The Handles icon is one pixel offset to the left, so its cut off and a couple of its pixels are visible on the ImageButton icon.


The fire icon is 17 pixels wide, putting two pixels into the Dialog icon’s region



Shouldn’t this be in #platform-feedback:studio-features or even #platform-feedback:studio-bugs?

It’s not an engine feature as you only see these icons in studio and are part of the studio interface.

ImageButton icon also seems to have its entire rightmost column of pixels missing as a result

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Believe @Maximum_ADHD found a bunch of oddities with the icons, since they made a mod to add more icons. While they can probably post here about those issues, maybe this mod will help you out until then for this outrageous issue?

Since it is part of the Lua API (even though it’s PluginSecurity, it’s still the Lua API), I believe Engine Features or Engine Bugs to be more appropriate.

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