MovementHandler (Crouch, Sprint, Slide, Prone)


I got more feedback from cool developers(yes I love to do that), and now the Module is Object-Oriented!! and simpler to use!!

  • Enjoy!!
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  • and some feedback

Hello, you have made an awsome contribution!

I would like to make a few of sugguestion for making things for the community or for anything open source in general.

  1. The instructions on how to use this module is somewhat unclear. On initial use attempt, your users would not be aware that they must create a folder with animations and name the animations with specific names accordingly.
    Expected: Animations provided with proper names and folder parented under the module or inscrutions telling users to give certain animations parented under a folder name “AnimationFolder” under ReplicatedStorage.

  2. No basic API documentation was provided. Besides insurctions on how to initiate the module no instrcutions on how to use or what the module could do, although the method names are self-explainitory.
    Expected: Some form of API documentation stating how or what the module can do. You can paste a bare bones list of methods with the comment section at the header for your module.


    -- SETUP:
    1. Place module within game.ReplicatedStorage.
    2. Create a folder named "Animations" parented by game.ReplicatedStorage.
    3. Place animations to game.ReplicatedStorage.Animations with the names: CrouchIdle, CrouchWalk, ProneIdle, ProneWalk, Slide

    -- API:
    local MovementProfile = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.MovementHandler.MovementHandler)

    local movementHandle = MovementProfile:New({Player = game.Players.GiantDefender427})



Looks very good but having issues trying to set up, do you have an example uncopylocked site to show how to configure?


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the instructions are unclear, and i am very confused as to what i am supposed to do with this movement handler. where are we even supposed to put everything??

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Could you provide a couple of videos, or a test place?


Only post resources with a substantial free or open-source component here

For anyone who wants to know, everything posted here (#resources:community-resources) is open-source, and has to be.

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Small update

Since a lot of you asked for this, I made uploaded a test place, you can download the test place here. Make sure to check out the files in ReplicatedStorage and StarterPlayerScripts.


this is helpful, now i (and a lot of others) can see how it works and how it’s set up. thank you!

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sorry for so many replies and questions, but is there a way to disable some states? for example if i wanted to disable sprinting, could i do that?

You’d would have to modify the code a bit, but I’ll add the feature you requested as soon as my exam ends (March 16), that’s a good idea tbh.

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alright, take your time and thank you for listening to feedback!

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  • Abilities can now individually be disabled
  • The whole Profile has to be enabled first for it to work
  • Added a :Destroy() function

Let me know if you face any bugs, thanks for the support really appreciate it :slight_smile:

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I just replaced the CrouchWalk with my own animation, and this happens for some reason.

What it’s supposed to be like

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Oh and also, how do you make it so that the script works for everyone? I’ve typed my name in the script for it to work for me, but I want it to work for everyone

It doesn’t work? I don’t know why it’s doing this.

Use ‘LocalPlayer’ Insead of ur name bru

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We’re do I put everything???

Animations are broken, currently as im writing this the animations are just broken…

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Great contribution, is there a possible way you can add stanima so you cant run after a certain ammout of time and also a way to make the CFrame go up and down when the player moves (Not good with camea and CFrame)

Is this animation based? Not everyone uses R15 or R6, some people use Boned Meshes.