Multikey UpdateAsync

Sometimes there are actions in games that require two or more datastore keys to be updated simultaneously, and to not execute unless both can succeed.

One usecase for this feature is developing a system for two players to trade items from their separate datastore entry inventories. I want to update both of their inventories at the same time, or not at all. The safest, most reliable way to do this would be if we had this new method for datastores. Not only is it more safe, it is also a ton less work than trying to write a safe edgecase handler for when trades fail in lua.


I think datastores just need more quality-of-life updates in general that would make them more reliable.

I’ve heard from friends that datastores tend to become more unreliable as place traffic increases (especially with UpdateAsync). Assuming that to be truthful, that is not good.

I feel like this is a band-aid over the real issue with datastores (unreliability).