Multiple games to test thumbnails: What do you think?

Here’s my idea. Multiple games owned by me in different universes would be set up with different thumbnails. Then, when players enter, they are all re-routed a game that is owned by me. To be clear, the metadata for each of these games would match the game that the player is being re-routed to. Thus the player is still getting exactly what they clicked on, but it’s in another game universe, and because all of these games would be owned by me it wouldn’t be passing off others work as my own.

The reason for this would be to test which thumbnails are most effective while controlling for time. For example, maybe the thumbnail of a rabbit got a better click to visit ratio than the squirrel thumbnail.

Two questions.

  1. Would Roblox frown on this? I don’t see why they would unless it was a very technical reason, like zero tolerance on re-routing places or something, I don’t know.
  2. Is there a better way to do this? To my knowledge only the starting place of a universe can be advertised.

Ok, so a test to see how many players would click on a game because of a thumbnail? To be honest am not really sure if this is a great idea. I think this should be based off of the game it’s self when I play a game I look at the Desc and the name than the -Thumbnail if a game has a bad thumbnail and the game it self is good than I would still play. But if the games had a good thumbnail and bad game-play I would leave and never come back.

No, the won’t as long as it’s not leading to no scam games. Which am sure it won’t.

Yes, there is a better way make different thumbnails on one game and which it each week and see how many people would join<— Might seem like a lot of work but it’s better than having like 5 games loop into just one game.

By thumbnails do you mean what Roblox calls game icons?
My reply will be assuming yes.

I think you’d be better off testing testing new icons on your game throughout the months, noting their CTR, and keeping track of it that way.

I don’t think controlling for time is crucial to getting a good sample for your game’s CTR, in the market, thumbnail CTRs will change overtime with how often players see it, how often your game is updated each time they land on the page (why should players keep clicking at same rate if never updated), etc. I think in the real world there is little gain by testing all icons at once to go through the added stress of making an entire universe system for this.

If you do, publishing your findings: potential differences in CTR by accounting for time compared to the control group “overtime testing” method will be interesting.

If were being honest, most basic Roblox users will first judge a game based on the thumbnail, then if they play the game and find it boring they will quit the game. What I’m saying and I think your forgetting is the sang “Click Bate”. ALTHOUGH, saying all of this I would personally love to see the results of this sort of test, since its’ something I’ve never heard of someone doing.