Multiple SurfaceGuis on the same part no longer render

Reproduction Steps

  1. Add a SurfaceGui with content to a part
  2. Duplicate the SurfaceGui, offset some of the positions of the duplicate
  3. Observe only one SurfaceGui will render

Expected Behavior

Both SurfaceGuis should render. This is how it has always worked.

Actual Behavior
image image
Only one SurfaceGui will render.



Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-10-01 02:10:00 (-04:00)
Date First Experienced: 2021-10-01 02:10:00 (-04:00)


This feels like a bug because I experienced this a few days ago and while experimenting with the behavior, I noticed how inconsistent it is. Simply toggling the enabled property for either or both of the SurfaceGuis can change which one ends up rendering on top.

In this video, I am setting Enabled to false, then true, and then undoing twice, which results in the topmost rendered SurfaceGui to switch.

A workaround I discovered is to set the ZOffset property for one of the SurfaceGuis to be higher than that of the other one. This will cause both of the SurfaceGuis to consistently render at the same time, as they did before whatever update changed their behavior.

Is it necessary to have these as two distinct SurfaceGuis? It looks to me that you could put the object that says 42nd in the same SurfaceGui as the other one.

For different text sizes based off of scaling, yes. You risk weird overlaps with localization if not. Maybe there’s a better way though, feel free to shoot me a DM if you have some ideas.

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Pathfinding Modifiers is now out and this bug no longer occurs. Appears to be fixed!

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