February 7, 2021, 9:52pm
Stacked Proximity Prompts not working
Hello, I am currently attempting to add multiple proximity prompts in different parents, but only one of them show up. The rest have nothing popped up.
I have AlwaysShow for exclusivity enabled for all prompts, and they still aren’t showing up. Please help me if you can, thank you!
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My guess is that you’ll need to configure around with the Proximity Prompts’ UI, but I could entirely be wrong though
February 7, 2021, 10:07pm
I’ve played around with the UI offset, but nothing still comes up.
Hm, maybe ProximityPrompts can only be parented to 1 part?
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February 8, 2021, 12:31pm
I don’t believe so. I’ve seen other groups have multiple proximity prompts.
RequiresLineOfSight is enabled or disabled?
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February 8, 2021, 12:33pm
Enabled, I believe. (30charrrrr)
When it’s enabled, player needs to face the part’s FrontSurface. If the player doesn’t, he can’t see the proximityprompt. Disable it.
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February 8, 2021, 12:34pm
Disable it for all proximity prompts, including the one that works at the moment?
Well, I think so. If it still won’t work, then you might have to do multiple ProximityPrompts for multiple Parents.
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Oh, I read it wrong. You already did, nevermind.
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And… how’s it? I’m guessing it worked…?
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February 8, 2021, 12:44pm
Going to give it a shot after school, I’ll update you when I do so. Thanks!
Oh. I’m having online school so, yeah. Alright. Thanks.
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February 8, 2021, 1:25pm
Hi, I tried it out and only one of them still works.
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The one issue I’ve had with the new proximity prompts is the lack of automatic prompt stacking. The UIOffset property is supplied, but the main issue is seeing if prompts are stacked. The most ideal way to go about it is to edit the default appearance code where it positions the prompts’ offsets.
Assuming the code on the Style page is being used, how would I go about making the prompts stack when multiple prompts are showing on the same instance?
Hmmm, there’s no solution to this but I thought it’d be helpful to look at a bit from looking at the posts
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February 8, 2021, 10:10pm
I was able to (somehow) fix this issue, thank you to those who tried to help.