My 3D Model RIG doesn't get animated properly when running in game animation

  1. What do you want to achieve? I have this mesh (Yes, it’s comming from Ultrakill, i’m testing something), who have a skeleton and I have all the animation who work on it.

  2. What is the issue?
    As you can see, when I run an animation in the animator, nothing wrong.

    But as soon I run the animation during a simulation, some bones of my rigs doesn’t play animation, most likely the torso bone.

I still doesn’t understand why I have issue with my animation running studio, I have look in the forum for some information, but nothing revelant or working on my problem.

Post already explored :

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? :
    -Try to run animation from different animator
    -Try un-group, re-group, change bone name in Blender before -reimporting it.
    -Removing animator / re-creating animator

try adding a root bone. it looks like the torso is currently acting as the root bone, and the root bone is the center of all the other animations, and is the root, or base reference point for all the other bones so it doesn’t move. (iirc) so if you add a root bone, which the torso is then attached to, then it might be able to animate

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Thanks for you reply, I have just try it, it doesn’t work at all… But thanks for this attempt…

what does it do? (what does your new hierarchy look like? All the bones should stem from the root)
Also I think the names of your bones and rig parts are important? as in they can conflict (idk I just read it somewhere)