Hello! i got really recent problem with playing in game a skinned mesh. I’m working with skinned mesh around 3 months and this never happen to me before, and i’m really confused how to fix this issue. One friend help me import one model from one game and export it to Roblox Studio. In Roblox Animator Editor work everything alright, i did some custom animations and uploud it to Roblox. I wrote simple script to check how animation looks in game, and animation won’t play. And i’m really confused. Animating bones seems alright, but something must corrupt durning exporting model from Blender into Roblox Studio, even my friend is confused. (Sorry for my bad English or spelling, it’s not my first language)
You can’t use a humanoid to play an animation through the skinnedmesh. U should play the animation through an animationcontroller just like this script.Parent.AnimationController:LoadAnimation(script.Parent.Idle):Play(). Let me know if it worked
Edit: Also remove the humanoid from the model else it wont work
That’s not true. I’ve imported plenty of skinned meshes and added humanoid and it works fine, how else would you tell it where to MoveTo etc? Also you do use humanoid to play animations (although you should be using the Animator inside the Humanoid now)