Oh and regarding the controversial stuff, if some land is owned by another country or not, that doesn’t represent “bombing” “Jihad” and whatever roblox listed, to me it looks like different moderators just add different totally new reasons without even reviewing the game whatsoever.
There’s atleast like 20 games like mine, annexation, diplomacy games etc. Just take rise of nations as the main example.
I’ve checked everything again, no malicious plugins and backdoors.
My ban has already expired, but i dont appriciate random false bans to roll up on my account.
Roblox support is very unresponsive at this point…
I was thinking to open 1 more ticket, now a third one… With the reason “appeal content” instead of “appeal account”, then asking in the ticket what content do i need to remove from my game to appeal it. Maybe they decide to finally answer to my long asked question about what is the innapropriate content, if they even reply of course as it looks like im being dodged. Or do i wait for them to reply on current “appeal account” tickets which it doesn’t seem like they will after 3+ days of waiting.
Suposeddly i am cheating and exploiting and doing “UTG” all 3 at the same time, because my game has a custom serverside-code executor which is the literal same thing that roblox’s developer console does. This is not against ToS, is it? I saw many forums and poeple saying it’s not and no where to find that it actually is against ToS.
Even if it is against ToS which i literally know it’s not, this is a false ban because im not exploiting/cheating in my game, those are game features not third client ones such as Synapse, Fluxus etc. They took one reason and banned me for other reasons, so unprofessional. I am starting to get sick of this, it’s been almost a week now.
Ok have you tried messaging @Bug-Support ? Also it wouldn’t hurt to submit a new ticket wether you did already or not as well I cannot see your game (is it back up yet?) so I can’t determine wether your mapping in the game is ban-worthy (controversial) or not (not a Roblox staff member just speculating)
And you should word it I realized what works best is as long as possible and even use an AI model like chatGPT for that and feed it all the information like: “write me a support ticket that will be sent to Roblox that says I was banned for hacking in my own game” etc etc
Also I have a few questions: it says u were banned for jihad which means (part of it) taking over Israel, did u make the whole map of Isreal called Palestine? Or smth like that bcs if so that would be 100% banworthy
P.s sorry for delayed response( it’s the holidays )
No, it’s literally not anything regarding the map.
A moderator has banned me for false reasons and now they are refusing to appeal it so they wouldn’t be in the wrong.
The reason im banned is for having a serversided executor that literally only i have access to, their assumption is any code can be ran from there that could be dangerous like UTG, now i dont know if that moderator has a lack of braincells or something. The same can be done from the developer console, it has a serverside executor.
I have very well explained this to them in a very long paragraph, and suddenly the new response i get is not from the same moderator that has been with me for the past 5 days, and this new moderator says that they can’t provide any further information regarding this issue?
What information did i ask for you to provide?? None…
I have explained that having a serverside executor in-game is not against ToS, and they reply with that.
At this point it’s obvious they never had any reason to ban me, and are hesitating to serve justice to my account.
Im replying to them that if the issue wont be solved via tickets it will be via public attention, i am sick of their horrible moderation serving out false bans to the roblox community.
This post refused to post for the last hour, i tried sending it like 5 times sorry.
There is no use though, i need to get attention of youtubers, as roblox’s moderation system is so horrible. The moderators are openly dodging my question, no matter what evidence i have.
Well im banned for exploiting because my game has a serverside executor, what more can you say to that, such blatant nonsense…
I put effort into typing paragraphs and they just dodge it all by saying “We cant provide any more information at this point”, that is such a unrelated response to anything as i didnt even reply with a question, instead i provided evidence that it’s a false ban.
I have removed the serverside executor and opened a third ticket to appeal content (to appeal my game), now will the appeal account ticket moderators still be able to review that content? I guess not, so i need to now add it back so they can properly review it if they even do it, and when they do reply. Or i can get the game up by removing the content then continue talking to the appeal account ticket moderators to get my account clean?
i’ve seen several cases of people being banned over having ultimate trolling gui specifically. i suspect it’s a popular scapegoat for roblox when they want to shut a game down without a valid reason, or it could be that, since reports sometimes send screenshots of the game to moderators, some exploiter ran ultimate trolling gui and reported the game for having it. though i take you at your word, it could be that you’ve lied about all your precautions and you actually do have a backdoor that ran ultimate trolling gui. it’s still strange, though, because ultimate trolling gui (the official version) doesn’t even work without features only available to exploits, like loadstring and client-sided http requests, so it definitely suggests incompetence on roblox’s part in at least one way.
I swear to god, there is no backdoor’s or nothing, im a scripter and made everything my self, no free models. I am banned for having a GUI that runs server sided code, a executor, but this isn’t any third party software like exploiting is, and isn’t exploiting.
If you type “print(hello)” in the textbox, and you click the execute button then it runs it on the serverside, the same thing the developer console has, a serverside code executor. This isn’t against ToS, yet im banned for UTG because of this, totally unrelated to UTG aswell. You are probably right with this being their scapegoat.
There is no backdoors, no plugins with access, no UTG, and no, i haven’t cheated or exploited (in my own game ),
Serversided executor has nothing to do with UTG nor any of these.
This isn’t a plugin related issue, nothing was injected into the game either, it’s regarding a GUI that has nothing to do with UTG at all, and just runs serverside code for developers. And i don’t think moderators are stupid to not realize this, someone is doing it on purpose.
Talked with other dev friends, and they did say adding UTG to your game gets you banned, it’s a known fact so I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to appeal it.
This is the command line in the developer console, it’s a serversided executor.
My GUI you can run code on the client and the server, but the moderator specifically listed the serverside option, as not allowed. And because of it, i am both cheating, and exploiting, and even doing UTG?
Where is the sense in all of this??
I can share the .rbxm file of the executor so you see it’s literally nothing that the roblox mods stated it is, i’ve sent you a friend request on roblox btw.