My Admin Menu UI


This is the base UI for an admin menu I’m currently working on, anyone have any suggestions on how I could make it look nicer?

inspired to make my own by @Ugh_Lily’s admin menu


Only thing I really have to say is I wish the buttons were more aligned with the others on the sidebar, but without knowing how much you may pack into there, I can’t say for sure. Overall I think it looks very clean and simplistic. Very nice



like this?


Ya, but like I said, Im not sure how much you’ll be adding and that setup may not be best if you get a lot on there. Still tho, really cool look to it!


Thanks, and I could always add pages at the bottom :+1:


I like the contrasting colors, but to me the color strip on the bottom of the white buttons seems a little bit out of place, maybe make it less saturated or something.

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The “Admin” text label, as well as the “Main”, “Fun”, and “Misc” Buttons are not centered on the black frame. :grimacing: I think moving it slightly to the left would do the trick.


Looks great, keep it up.


I think that’s because of the frame’s black outline-the centering doesn’t account for that.

As for the rest of the UI, it looks good! :+1:


Now everyone is making these I feel like.


It still isnt centred even when disregarding the outline.

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I really enjoy the simple, yet appealing look of this UI!

I feel like the black outline doesn’t really work, however. You could also make the background pattern pan across diagonally & seamlessly for a nice retro effect.

Awesome UI design nonetheless! Keep it up! :grinning:


Just in my opinion, put “Kick”, “Mute”, under “Ban” and “Shout” and so on for the other buttons that weren’t show here, when the “Ban” button is being clicked, a TextBox will expand from the “Ban” button, that will be positioned on “Kick” and “Mute” button (on this image), where the user will type in the username of the player that they wish to ban in the textbox, so on for other controls.

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For the background image it seems to bee too distracting - making it more transparent would make it look nicer.

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Looks unique. One problem I see is with you using buttons, it limits the amount of commands you can have on the UI unless you make a scrolling frame.

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this should fix some of the issues, anyone have some opinions on the new version? (I didn’t add the command buttons yet i’m still working on that)

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In my opinion, maybe you should move the black strip over the tile pattern or do it the other way around for contrast. Just my opinion though.

Confused by what you said

did you mean something like this


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I’m going to have buttons open a new tab, like this for example (not finished yet)


Good choice of background but the text seems too plain.