My clothes keep selling and I don't know what to do

Hello, I made my group before few years and maybe before year or more I started posting classic shirts and pants. At the time there weren’t doing good so I stopped posting. For several months now, I have been observing how on every few days there is at least one sale and it is even starting to become more frequent. I don’t do make that many robux from it, but I think it could mean something and that the clothes have potential. the group link if you want to check it yourself

Since I don’t understand much from clothing and stuff like that I don’t know what to do. I might miss the change if I don’t do anything. Should I post more, advertise or just not doing anything. I wanted to ask someone with experience so that’s why I’m creating this post. Thanks for you’re time!

You’re making money. Just make more clothes. It’s not that complicated.


Yeah but I mean should I find investor or how to promote them even more?

I recommend viewing this post.

It’s best to upload as many shirts as you can first and THEN find investors or advertise on your own finance.

Also, move this topic to #help-and-feedback:platform-usage-support. It’s the closest category to this topic.

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