My Epic Progress On 3D Modeling In Blender


Hello everyone, once again its been maybe a lil over year at this point now since I actually dedicated to 3D Modeling on Blender I recently gotten into 3D Modeling Clothing on R6 Characters again and wanted to show my new progress, without further a do here they are!

My Latest Creations

Jesse (Minecraft Story Mode)

Jesse (My OC)

Valkyrie (My OC)

Morgana (My OC)

SWAT Skin #1 (WIP)

SWAT Skin #2 (WIP)

What do you guys think of my progress? (Optional)

  • It’s Amazing :sunglasses:
  • It’s Good (Just a tad bit more improvement)
  • It’s Ok (Can use a lot more improvement)
  • It’s Ehhh (Nothing Special)

0 voters

Which Character did you like the most of the 6 shown? (Optional)

  • Jesse ( MC Story Mode )
  • Jesse ( My OC )
  • Valkyrie ( My OC )
  • Morgana ( My OC )
  • SWAT Skin #1 ( WIP )
  • SWAT Skin #2 ( WIP )

0 voters


These 3D models look great! You are progressing well! Nice job on them!


It’s good but I personally am not a big fan as it looks not too much roblox-y. I like your texturing skills though. Especially I noticed that you used voronoy texture for the hoody, clever trick. I would say to make it more high poly as that may make it look more like roblox probably? I also would say to add more depth to these especially the swat skins as I am sure that armor has depth and is not flat.

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