My first ever roblox shirt! Sorry if it is bad

roblox-shirt-template-png-2-Transparent-Images (2)


Not to be rude, but what is that supposed to be?


I was trying to make an urban shirt like somebody wanted but I was put under pressure so i think it turned out pretty bad

Oh, okay. I didn’t even make a shirt yet, so it is like a masterpiece to me

This is literally just 6 dots on skin. This basically isn’t a shirt at this point.


I don’t think this would be allowed to upload to roblox because it’s the old template?? Sorry if that’s wrong.

The shirt is skin and pure dots, how could that be a shirt?

Sorry if this sounds mean / rude, just being honest!

just looks like some dots on skin

So far there isn’t much detail and it’s hard to see what this is, but this is your first ever shirt you will get better. Keep up the hard work!

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why would the template matter?

I would suggest changing the color since it looks very similar to skin, the 6 dots look weird and not aligned. I don’t get the 6 dots, is it a secret or like has a deep meaning into it? You also missed a part here:
I would also suggest adding something other than the 6 dots.

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I’m not sure, I think it might be because of the new roblox logo, and I think sizing changes?

Sorry if I’m wrong.

Have you tried looking watching tutorials on about how to make shirts? I think it would help you, after a few shirts and learning I’m sure you’ll progress a lot. :>

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I think that the dots are buttons?

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It will look like the avatar is nude because of the colour and lack of design, so you may get a warning from Roblox.

There are some great tutorials on clothing design:

Everyone has to start somewhere, so don’t worry!

Wait, what is it? No offense. To me it looks like bullets on someone without clothing.

that is literally just 6 dots on a weird thing i cant even tell what that is

Nothing like being kind! You are right though, it does look like that…

What drawing software do you use?