My game is not being listed and I can't change my game's description

As described here, my game is not being listed.

Following some suggestions, I’m trying to change the game’s description to see if that’s what’s preventing the game from being listed.

But, similar to this another bug report, no matter what I do I can’t change my game description:

Page URL:

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Have you tried doing it without any extensions enabled? From the video, I can see at least one extension that may be affecting it.
(If you don’t want to disable them all, try updating the description in an incognito window)

I assume Roblox need to upload a fix for this bug and you might need to wait until this happens.
(Dont ping them because your comment will be removed btw, I tried this)

Do you get the same problem if you try to change the description on the start place, vs the experience? They should be identical but maybe one will work for you and get around the error.

I tried it and it made no difference…

Sorry, could you share the route to access the description of the place? I can not find…<universe-id>/places/<place-id>/configure

I was able to access it with some difficulty.
Isn’t there a way to access a place’s configuration directly via the hyperlinks on the website?

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  1. The first place inside Studio has the correct description (without the URL):

  2. The first place on the website also has the correct description:

  3. But, as demonstrated in the video above, I can’t change this description in the experience:

If that URL over there is really the cause for my game not being listed, my hands are tied now.
Roblox! When is anyone going to look at this?

Okay, i guess this isn’t true or its just glitched:

It was worth a try I guess.

How long will this topic be ignored by Roblox?

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hi @rogeriodec_games I think your game has a “source language” set to something that is different from your account’s language. So you are seeing this weirdness. We have a work item to address it.

But, to solve the problem at hand. Go here: (I don’t have access so I kind of guessed the url).

And then you should see the outdated description. Once you update that it should be fixed.

Basically, we have a concept of “source language”. And then a concept of “translated language”.

The game you have is set to have a source language of “Portuguese”. But your personal account is probably English.

So when you are updating the game description directly, it effectively set the game’s Portuguese description to the new one. But the English description is still unchanged. So we kept loading you the English description, and via the UI in your screenshot, you can only set the description for “source language” which is in Portuguese.

Hopefully this helps, please don’t hesitate to ping me again should this not work.

Btw, your search issue should be addressed. I just checked that your game shows up as #1 when searching “FactoryBlox”.

You’re right, a long time ago I made this mistake of putting the “Text to Translate” in English, when in fact it should be in Portuguese.
I made the change to the “English” field in the link you mentioned above, and now it has been changed.
However, this not right: I must delete the “Description” key and include a new one in Portuguese.
But I can’t find how to do this?

Here is what I suggest you to do since your account’s localization is in English.

  1. Go here, set your source language to be “English”.
    So now, whatever you set in studio, or
    are name/descriptions for English.

  2. Add a supported language Portuguese here
    And then press on it give it name/description in Portuguese

Hope this helps.


Although your solution is confusing, it managed to resolve the issue.
I hope that in the future this interface can be made easier so that I don’t have to repeat the same procedures.

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