My game shows experimental mode on-site, when it's not!

My idea was that it’s from places from :CreatePlaceAsync()?

If that’s the case it’s almost unfixable, because years and years ago we used create place async for literally every game session.

But that’s just an idea, these games are both certainly filtering enabled.



If it’s a bunch of places created from createplace and they didn’t have FilteringEnabled on, you’re out of luck right now. That’s like thousands of places you’d have to detach from the original place…

Not sure what the solution is. Contact dev relations?


Yeah I have the same problem when it comes to using CreatePlace. Hopefully there’s a way to fix this.


Yep I have this issue as well, and my Created places were FE too.

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Yeah, like new server instances don’t get created every 10 minutes. This is a different problem

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Well if roblox adds that filter about experimental games, I’m going to be very upset if it affects players and if I have to go through the tens of thousands of created games just to detach them so my game can actually be seen, I’m going to be upset.

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My game has several million created places :sad:


See, not possible to be fixed manually

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I’m bumping this, because i haven’t really gotten a clear answer. I’m worried if an update comes out, our game won’t be discover-able.

I recommend contacting developer relations in private about wiping the created places when the holidays are over, and if you are still using CreatePlaceAsync, to rewrite that code to use Reserved Servers instead. (CreatePlaceAsync is rather legacy and not needed to realize private server instances)

If you are not using CreatePlaceAsync anymore it’s just a matter of contacting developer relations.

If your game shows as being experimental, you are currently not visible to players younger than 13 years old.

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