My new fps game looks nothing like Roblox it looks like Battlefield or Call Of Duty

I recognize this—v exact model in the toolbox. image
It also seems that you are using warbound? image


I’ve been reading the replies here for a little bit now. It seems like everyone’s focusing too much on the free assets. Personally, it might be fine for a game that’s still a work in progress, but new, original assets should still be used when the game is done.

Personally, the biggest issue is the performance. It runs horribly. I’m amazed. And just the amount of jank in the game currently. Yes, the game looks pretty realistic. But when the arms don’t move at all and fps less then 20, I don’t see how this could ever be successful.

Biggest tip here for you is to improve the performance. Cut down on the trees used. The train in the game should be removed. Causes a ton of lag. Look around on devfourms for posts that teach you how to optimize. It’s essential that games need to be able to run on most hardware.


here is the thing. You do not “push” the engine if you depend on already existing stuff, because it isnt concidered pushed nor something unique if you just use pre-made stuff.


This place is for feedback, feedback is good.

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Yes, but 78% of the assets here I recognize. Hire a modeler for this, the game is unoptimized and uses pre made guns.


…not really.

Basically, the problem with Adopt Me when there’s an update is 1 million people playing Roblox at once, thus 1 million people the Roblox servers have to take care of (not counting other games and the fact that it almost reached 2 millions last time).

Generating ray-tracing visuals is done on the client, so it’d just horribly lag some clients, but the servers would be fine.


I’m not focusing of uniqueness I’m focusing realism

So apparently I’m not allowed to use assets that are made for the purpose of using, there is a reason why the toolbox exist.

I’m simply just replying not being defensive.

I can’t tell if this is an edited screenshot of call of duty or something or if its just Roblox! Good job!

Ok then about you make your own grass instead of using the Roblox 3d grass because your saying I shouldn’t use the new Roblox assets pack because the assets are free models even though the Roblox 3d grass is also a free asset that’s just built into the terrain

—I honestly cant tell ether.

So games that use the Roblox terrain are not unique

Would you really be talking about free models if the new Roblox assets pack was built into the terrain editor and not the toolbox.

The game was literally made by one person

Do you really have a problem with someone using assets made for the purpose of using

Just Stop!
This is ROBLOX Developer Forums for Developers to TALK not ARGUE! If he used the ROBLOX asstet pack who gives it! Just let it go,

PS: Great Game, Bad Replies!


Yo can’t be focusing on realism if you don even make the models, the modelers are the ones focusing on realism.

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Bad replies? Personally I see people giving him feedback. He starts getting defensive on the free models note and it escalates to a extremely pushing conversation. I think the poster is in the wrong here.

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The gun model is also not yours
I can recall it from spec ops the line

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