My new fps game looks nothing like Roblox it looks like Battlefield or Call Of Duty

I’m not using free models made by other people I used the new Roblox asset to for vegetation for the grass and also trees

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the only free models I used is a UI pack witch I edited the UI and used it only for the scripts and also a phone tower

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—Thankyou for your feedback.

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There is really no reason for you to just say this game is basically garbage even know it’s new so of course there’s a lot of things I need to work on to make it good that’s why I made this post for feedback.

but anyways thanks for the feedback


pretty sure this isn’t roblox, yes.


What do the characters look like?(im curious) also the blue when I love the camera makes the game laggy


the game is laggy because of the high graphics and if you lower the graphics it will make it fast


Okay great game then also pls show me the characters


Whoa this is amazing! i love it it looks like i real fps game!!! keep up the good work.!

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I noticed that the guns are using one of those gun kits or whatever it’s called?


Didn’t really call it garbage. Just did a list of stuff that you should concider changing, some tips for the map and etc. Hope that clears out some stuff so it doesn’t look like i hate you for no resaon lol


Woah this is really good cant wait to see more of your creations :+1:

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Hello Developer,

It’s great that you have decided to refer to DevForum for feedback and suggestions, due to the variety of people on here that are from across the world.

I respect the time and dedication that you have spent in making the game as realistic as possible, but keep in mind that low-end devices will need an option to turn graphics lower for example, unless they are smart enough to turn their graphics down themselves for a smooth gameplay experience.

Overall, as you said yourself; You tried to achieve realistic lighting, and you did achieve the exact thing that you wanted, and that’s what already makes you successful.

I see no space for feedback or suggestions from my point of view, so I’m wishing you lots of success in your career as one of many Roblox developers, who try making wishes come true.

Stay creative and keep on imagining,



Maybe he could try making his own assets?

Yeah, maybe a settings menu that can change the detail of certain textures

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I love the look of this game, and the realism is absolutely insane. The only problem I’ve seen is that when you’re sitting in a chair, the positions of your arms don’t snap to your view, so when you turn around, your arms are still facing forwards and they can disappear from your view.

I’d like to see more of this game, but unfortunately, it isn’t really playable on my current hardware (<10fps, GT 1030).

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Very beautiful, I like the realism. It ran smoothly on my system…but my system is op. I worry about how the average players experience would be. Also, that camera bobble is extremely nauseating. Maybe tone it down a bit?


Ok, thanks for telling me to turn the camera bobble down I didn’t realize it was that high.

Thanks for the feedback.

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You must have a ridiculously fast gaming computer for it to run smoothly, my fast gaming computer is capable of running ray tracing but it only gets 15 - 20 fps on the game so people on slow or fairly fast computers cant run the game at all. I’m working on making it faster by removeing unnecessary assets and making the map a bit smaller.


Ikr, lol its wayyyyyy too realistic

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Thankyou, my dream is to create games that are extremely realistic to show the potential of Roblox to people that see it as a “unrealistic little kids game” I want to make a lot of games that look like they are made off the Roblox platform and also work with a team of people to accomplish that.

Roblox is a gaming/social media platform that allows users to play and create games but many people out there don’t see it like that and just make fun of it. I want to change that to get this platform to be known as the best platform for finding top-notch games.

I think I’m heading in the right direction considering I’m only 13 and new to gaming development and so far the first complete Roblox game I made Is getting a lot positive feedback.

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