My recreation of Japan's alleyways!

Recently I decided that it would be fun to recreate the alleyways of Japan and ended up with something I’m pretty proud of. Unfortunately, I haven’t had much drive to continue working on this as of late, so I decided I would just post the project in its current state to see what the community thinks.

(I don’t know Japanese so I’m sorry if the signs make no sense to anyone who can read them)

Somewhat wonky view from the front of the alley:

Another shot looking a bit to the left:

And my final shot a little farther down the alley:

The lighting is a little lazy but I think it works for now

Please let me know what you think!


Hey, it looks so cool, I don’t know what you plan on adding more but it looks really good so far.

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The marble road should be changed to a black or very dark grey concrete.


I love it! It looks beautiful. You could change some of the signs to neon signs, but thats a minor thing. Could you post a link to the game? I‘d love to check it out!

the conrete doesn’t look like concrete. there are also gaps.Screen Shot 2021-07-08 at 10.20.17 AM
why is floor marble

Woah! I don’t see one spot with no detail, Amazing!

This looks really good. Very detailed!

Wow, this looks absolutely stunning! :star_struck::exploding_head: The alley looks super detailed and almost realistic-looking. The colors and everything work so well together. All I can say is, that’s an amazing job!!