My roblox account was deleted for something I didn't do, I need support from people who work on roblox

it was an ordinary day, I went in the evening to play games in Roblox, and I saw the message Your account is banned for “buying/selling Robux”, I was just shocked and thought it was a mistake, the fact is that I have been a game developer on the Roblox platform for more than 4 years 5 years, my fortune is about 1 million robux, I had 2 active games, which were played simultaneously by about 1.2k players, I have a Twitter, YouTube, I held giveaways worth about 200k robux, most likely because of this, roblox decided that I sell robux, but damn, I have the devx program connected, WHAT IS THE POINT FOR ME TO SPEND 5 YEARS OF MY LIFE, CONNECT DEVX, ACTIVELY DOWNLOAD TWITTER, YOUTUBE TO SELL ROBUX, well, God support, what’s wrong with you, I wrote everything down in detail, their answer was something like “hey dude, we won’t unblock anything for you,” I sincerely hope that there is a person here who is related to the technical part of roblox, I sincerely believe in you that you can help me recover my account

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guys, advise me what to do