[SOLVED] \n is not working in Studio

I believe they have removed \n from kick messages due to an exploit or exploits.

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Oh, that’s really weird. Maybe it’s just something with my studio client?

You should do this:

local maxClicksPS = 17
local msg = {"
Auto moderation has detected: 


Your CPS was:
Error Getting CPS"}

local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")

local Clicks = 0

local warns = 0

	if key.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 or Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton3 then
		Clicks += 1

while wait(1) do
	print("Clicks per Second: "..Clicks)
	if Clicks >= maxClicksPS then
		if warns == 0 then
			warns += 1
			print("AutoclickWarns: "..warns)
		elseif warns == 1 then
			warns += 1
			print("AutoclickWarns: "..warns)
		elseif warns == 2 then
			warns += 1
			print("AutoclickWarns: "..warns)
		elseif warns == 3 then
			warn(player.Name.." was kick for Autoclicker. CPS: "..Clicks)
	Clicks = 0

Because everyone can do 7+ clicks per second, huh ?

I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t have to do 7+ clicks a second…

I did 17 because this is where the human can click at the fastest time…

Hello, thank you so much for trying to help, but this doesn’t work. I think they may have removed everything like \n altogether.

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It just stopeped working for me. Using [[]] does not work also.

Ah, okay. Thank you for sacrificing, lol.

Hey, thanks for making a recommendation for the script, but this does not attempt to help with the message.

Okay, is this a ServerScript ?

No, it was working before in StarterPlayerScripts. That is what it is still in right now. I don’t think this would have anything to do with it though, as the system is working, but just the message is messing up.

I think they’ve removed \n now.

Read my response, and please try to acknowledge it. :sob:

They removed this feature a while ago due to some exploits.


I did read it, I just didn’t respond. I aslo do agree, and think they’ve removed the feature. Thanks.

Looks like it, but it worked for me for a bit of time.

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Just like many people have said, this is a bug that recently started happening. See this and this.

We can’t do anything other than waiting for a fix.

Not a bug, roblox disabled the feature.

Could you quote anyone if you have a link?

Nevermind, didn’t even scroll down in the post I linked lol

Thanks for trying to tell me, but I do not think this is a bug. I do think they have purposely removed this due to exploits.

Ah, alright! Thanks though for trying to help lol!

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[[ This is a multi line string
Without any weird things and /n
Its honestly better
Might not work with kicking tho!

Sorry for late reply btw

For more context.