N-RTD | Retrieve data from Discord (Service ended)

all working now! thank you so much
but i think you still need to update the api

Ah yes i am updating the docs right now

No problem!

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API update

As stated here N-RTD | Retrieve data from Discord (Service ended) - #36 by NinjaFurfante07 the update is now live. The API will now send back a JSON response so what you will need to do is HttpService:JSONDecode() the result. An example is provided below to help you adapt your code.

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local NRTD = require(pathToTheModule)
local result = HttpService:JSONDecode(NRTD:GetUserAsync("username", "guildId", "token"))

local found = result.found

if found then
    --Give 100 coins
    --Do something else

NOTE: This update has only affected the main route (https://n-rtd-api-production.up.railway.app/), the other routes for bind and unbind requests remain unchanged.

You should update your code as soon as possible as now just doing if result then can be dangerous as it will always be true.

thank you for helpingAPI Discord

No problem. Anyways n-rtd doesn’t query discord’s api but relies on the bot. Also if you have any feedback please share it :blush:

Hey guys, just a quick news: i set up a page where you can monitor the roadmap but also request features and report bugs at https://norilix.canny.io/

Ok it has been a while since you posted that but i still want to ask what are your concerns about the security and safety of this system.

Hello! I wanted to let you know that this issue was addressed and now all systems are operative. Also the /view-token command was removed in favor of a feature to view it on your dashboard at https://n-rtd.up.railway.app. I encourage you to read all the updates logs to learn more if you are still interested in this system.


If you are a user of this system we have a question for you.

Would you like us to have premium plans?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Plans would cost robux the prices would go from 1k to 1.5k depending on the features it will offer.

:warning: The basic features (the current ones) would be kept on the free plan

Even if we get a high “yes” rate the introduction of plans is not guaranteed. Subscription would be monthly

API, bot and website update

Introducing custom tokens.

From now on you will be able to have multiple tokens for your server. The limit is set to 5 tokens per server. You can manage permissions for the token. For example you can grant a request with a token access to users presence but not users with a certain role presence.

When you create a new token by default it will have all the basic permissions granted. You can edit them by clicking on the pencil

view the token by clicking on the eye

copy the token by clicking on the copy button

or delete the token by clicking on the bin

The /generate-token command has been removed as you can now delete and generate new tokens on your dashboard. (This may take up to an hour to be live due to Discord)

With future updates more permissions will be added.

Go test it out https://n-rtd.up.railway.app/dashboard/servers

Some pictures of the custom tokens configuration

Do you like this update?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes a lot!
  • No it’s useless

0 voters

Also give a welcome to the new member of Norilix: @koziahss!


Important notice

In a future API update every request that does not come from Roblox’s games servers will be automatically rejected for API’s security purposes and also because requests are only expected to come from game servers. If you are using N-RTD for a project not hosted on Roblox’s servers you should prepare for this change. This update will be live as soon as we figure out how to allow requests from studio play testing.

Free or open source. Stop repeating always the same thing. It’s 100% free. It’s a resource for the community to use for free

Are you missing the part stating it MUST be open-source, no one will add a discord bot to the server without reviewing the code.

I don’t want to engage in an argument but that doesn’t make any sense “free or open source” means that it can stay here as long as it’s free to use or open source. Also you can even reply to this with “just because other etc etc” but are you missing all the posts of plugins and other stuff that are closed source?

Specifically, states code must be open-sourced to be placed in #resources:community-resources , if you don’t want to open source it moves it to #help-and-feedback:cool-creations.

No one will trust a discord bot unless it’s a trusted popular bot such as Bloxlink, Dyno, etc & verified. Read the description for community creations fully. Several people including me have asked you to open-source it to review the code to make sure it’s safe to add to our discord servers.

Bot source code is closed-source, therefore move it to Cool Creations or open-source it.


The api will be offline until tomorrow while we investigate an issue

Maintainance has ended. A small update: denied requests now provide a short description of the error that caused the rejection in the response’s body.

It clearly states free or open-source, the other part is in case someone releases code onto this category which is obfuscated (which has happened before). Not saying that the bot shouldn’t be open source, but considering it’s integration with Databases and other proprietary code I would say it’s fine.


Systems down

We are aware of an issue which does not let our systems work. Unfortunately this is not something we can handle as it is an issue on the host’s end (it got rate limited by discord) since this is happening quite frequently the login system will probably have place on heroku until this problem is definitely fixed.

Please be patient as we fix this issue.

Stay updated here, in our support server or here on the forum