NAAP Plus (NAAP+) Plugin - Multi-functional plugin with welder, asset finder, builder, snap, editor, finder, animation and more!

NAAP+ plugin v1.6 is out today!


NAAP Plus is the next generation of my very popular NAAP plugin with thousands of downloads!

NAAP+ tools in v1.6:

Asset Crawler
Asset Viewer
Collision Manager
Macro Runner
Model to Parts
Part Aligner

I added links above to my standalone plugins that now have been added to NAAP+ plugin, so you can get all of these tools with one single plugin by using NAAP+!

The main reason why I restarted the scripting is the aim to make NAAP+ plugin able to work during your project runtime.

In most cases it is possible now so you can copy and paste your works from the runtime workspace to the design time workspace! (BetterSnap is the one that can’t work in runtime, all others can)

This change reuired so many changes in the code that I made the decision to consider NAAP+ as a new plugin.

In the meantime I updated the UI a bit - a kind of facelift - and debugged small glitches.

I keep adding and developing NAAP+ so you will be informed new features and updates from time to time.

Now, I need to make a YouTube tutorial to show you NAAP Plus in a real environment, but you can find some NAAP tutorial on YT, just check out Apafey Studio’s channel!

I hope you will enjoy the new tool.
Let me know your opinion, question or any other note!


Hello Guys,

Good news, Macro Runner module has been added to NAAP+ plugin!
It is a kind of plugin in the plugin… but it can be your plugin in my plugin!

This is how it works in v1.3:

  • The NAAP+ plugin will add a NAAP+ folder to your Workspace
  • Inside this folder there will be a ModuleScript, called ‘macroRunner’
  • This ModuleScript contains a function, called ‘onClick’
  • Modify this function as you wish
  • You will have 2 user defined parameters (via the GUI)
  • You will have access to the last selected objet and all selected objects as an array
  • You can run the script by one single click

The cool thing is that you can change your script anytime ‘on-the-fly’ and the plugin will handle it on the next run - you don’t need to save anything before re-run.

GUI is minimal.
If you like it, I will add new features to this module soon, just let me know! :slight_smile:

NAAP+ plugin v1.6 is out today!

12 tools in one single plugin!

Read the first post in this thread - I’ve updated it today - or visit the plugin:

How can I get this if my country does not allow currency purchases?

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Bro sits down to improve the prevois NAAP Plugin :hugs::star_struck: