Nature Hotels | Management Passers

Nature Hotels | Management Passers

First and foremost, the Staffing Team would like to thank every one of you for taking your time to apply for Staff Assistant. After going through lots of responses, we’ve selected 21 individuals who stood out. These individuals were selected by the Staffing Department and they’ve been approved by aa_xve & aliciagirlxd. The best applicants will be ranked to Supervisor and the rest will be ranked to Staff Assistant.

If you did not make it, don’t be discouraged. There are always new opportunities! We highly recommend you to try your best to get recommended if you did not pass this application. Without further ado, let’s welcome and congratulate these individuals!

Staff Assistant | Passers

  • shortbeads
  • flxqwrs
  • Hbouma12
  • dannceparty1
  • just_navz
  • dxllaqi
  • Absurtic
  • SiimpleDovesx
  • TerryTrains
  • youdiidnot
  • oseadelia
  • bluebvry
  • Aarontheanoying
  • iloveHPandtheNN
  • victoryveer1258
  • DefySoul

Supervisor | Passers (Best Applicants)


Congratulations if you’re on the list above! If you want a chance to expand your MR career, as well as be able to train at training sessions, you are expected to be in our Discord. If you do not have Discord, we’ll not be able to conduct a trial exam with you, meaning you will get less powers than others.

Nature Hotels | Information

As a Middle Rank here at Nature Hotels, you’re expected to do loads of stuff. You also have to complete your weekly requirements.

We cannot go further if you don’t have Discord, as it would be considered as leaking. However, if you don’t have Discord, we’ll be tracking your activity through Hyra. Otherwise, if you’re on Discord, you will be contacted shortly by a Staffing Member. Once again, congratulations if you’ve passed!