Navigation - Find All / Replace All - Beta

This would be incredibly helpful to mass replace animation ids in my place. Great work Roblox!


YESSSSSS!!! FINALLY THOSE OLD DAYS OF SELECTING 1 By 1 ARE GONE now i can save 6 minutes of making a game :slight_smile:


There is already an existing .* pattern matching toggle on the find button. I’m not sure if it works with replace though, I think historically it hasn’t in Studio.


I love this so much!

This one thing is bothering me and I don’t know why lol:


Why is the tab called Find/Replace Window? Shouldn’t it just be called Find and Replace?


This will be so useful. I sometimes miss spell in my scripts and duplicate it 20 times. then I realize and have to go 1 by 1. Thanks for this useful feature.

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We will actually only open script tabs on Replace All if you are in a Team Create place with Collaborative Editing (Drafts Widget) off. In other instances (local places, Team Create with Drafts Widget on) we won’t open the scripts.
The reason for this is that in order to change a script in non-Drafts Team Create, the current workflow involves opening the script, changing it (and locking the script in the process), then closing the script (or right-click script tab->Commit Edits) to unlock the script and commit the change to the other Team Create users. We decided to preserve this behavior when using Replace All to keep in line with the current workflow, even though it involves opening up a bunch of tabs.
We considered other options, such as locking, committing, and unlocking without opening the script, but we were worried about cases such as if a replace all goes bad, which could result in a bad experience for other people in your Team Create session if they try to run the game with broken scripts that were committed automatically.
That being said, we appreciate your feedback, and will discuss the “Open All Scripts” checkbox going forward (maybe this would implicitly mean we automatically commit the scripts?) for the full release.


I appreciate this new version of a tool that already existed… There WAS an easy way to find “The Noob” in all scripts, using the “Find Results” window. Now it seems that window can still be added, but it has no function, and that was a tool I use everyday. I"m glad I was able to find the new “Search/Replace Window”, even before this article was posted, as I figured Roblox probably added a replacement for this extremely powerful feature (that again… already existed).

Anyway, it seems nice, and a bit more powerful. Wasn’t too hard to find (after I gave up on the old window).

alright, now i don’t have to spend the amount of time it’ll take for the next coming of jesus editing all 50 inventory slots on one little typo. good

Lua string patterns are very different from regex.
All other .* buttons use regex in Roblox Studio, and regex is more powerful. It doesn’t make sense to have this one widget use Lua patterns which are less powerful.

It would be nice if the captures were allowed to be read from in the replacement string in all places where replacement strings are used (so something like \1 would use the first capture in the replacement).


It says that the Replace All action cannot be undone. Is there a reason for this? I imagine that the previous state of the affected scripts could be saved just like regular undo? At least when collaborative editing is disabled.

AMAZING! Been waiting for this for a while, this’ll definitely help me a lot!

definitely had those situations where i wanted to upgrade each script. No longer do I have to painstakingly change the single variable in my library of weapons by hand.

Replacing one word in multiple scripts is sometimes a nightmare; thank you ROBLOX for fixing this issue!

In my experience and opinion, the Find Results window is way too clunky and inefficient for actual use. This seems like a very significant improvement, and should make a lot of tasks easier for myself and other developers.

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Awesome! I’ve been waiting for something like this for quite a bit. The newer version looks much more nicer.

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Seems like y’all can read my thoughts. No more tediously changing every single audio in 50+ buttons!


now if only someone would make it so we can collapse all the children without having to scroll for years… please please please… I would put it in as a suggestion/requested feature but I don’t have permissions to post there yet… :frowning: I do know it’s been requested in the past

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Looks Good! Will be helpful for a lot of people.

Oh my gosh, yes yes yes! Finally! I needed this for soooo long damn.

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I have been waiting for this SINCE LIKE 2015!!!
I am so excited!

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