Whenever Navigating on the Customization part of the Avatar Section on Roblox on Xbox there appears to be an issue where the selection “snaps back” whenever going down to select the items in a specific category.
Intended Behaviour; Whenever I move down to select an item in a particular category, it selects over that specific item.
Actual Behaviour; Whenever I move down to select an item in a particular category, it snaps back up (For example; in the “Head & Body” section scrolling down to select a type of Animated Head causes it to snap the selection back to “Style”) Note that after a few minutes it does appear that the bug stops occurring and can navigate the category without it snapping back, though reappears if I change to a different category of the customization section.
Not the best at describing it so here’s an attached video that demonstrates the bug as well
Issue Area: Xbox Client
Impact: Mediocre
Frequency: Frequently (Whenever attempting to navigate the Customization Section)