Nebula Infinity | Second Edition (Admin Panel)

:warning: | Nebula Infinity | RBXM File
Roblox has unfortunately disabled the Distribute On Creator Store for Nebula and the appeal is taking extremely long…

Therefore, we’ve temporarily added a RBXM file which you can download in the discord.
The setup is the same, you just need to insert the file manually.

If you don’t know how to insert RBXM files, here is a short video:

Nebula Infinity is a modern moderation and trolling the exploiters within your experience.
With over 100 commands the possibilities are endless.

You can download the file here: Nebula Infinity | Second Edition

  1. Insert file ~ ServerScriptService
  2. Game Settings ~ Enable these at HomeTab → Game Settings → Security
  • Allow HTTP Request: :heavy_check_mark:
  • Enable Studio Access to API Services: :heavy_check_mark:
  1. Chat Version ~ Explorer → TextChatService → Properties → ChatVersion
  • Chat Version: TextChatService
  1. Ranking ~ Settings
  • Add username/userid within rank table



Community Server: Sacred Studios


Is this edition of the panel better than the first edition?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Very good admin panel! Version 2, It is super easy to use on PC includes many commands. It was also easy to set up my commands; it wasn’t difficult to understand. :pray: Thank you


Thank you! I’m thrilled to hear that you found the admin panel easy to use and set up.

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woo critique time!!!

in the FailSafe module you check for api services with an oddly named datastore alongside a key of the same name;
Why do __________________________ rather than. idk “Nebula_Infinity_Admin”?

You also check for HTTPS requests by sending a get request to firstly, from the main module you do Info.getExperienceInfo() you then run FailSafe.init() which checks if http requests are enabled. You see the problem right? You first get them, then check if they’re enabled. Mayybe just maybe check first and get the https result from that since you’re doing 2 requests to the same url one after another

I also spotted in the main module that you use a single word for what’s supposed to be a unique dictionary entry under _G; File and Info. Maybe do what moon animator did and at the top of your scripts put “_G = _G.NebulaInfinityAdmin”

I cant really critique more since i didnt actually use it yet i just read the source lol


I have no clue why I used that name :person_shrugging: .

For the HTTPS requests in the main module that was put there for because I think that is a good thing for developers to get there experience data (auto updates).

I also have no clue why I did that lol.


I get that part but; you do it twice in a row

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That is just so it auto updates.

I dont think so:

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Oh I thought you were talking about something else :sob:, I just changed that now but I cannot update the main module rn (something isnt finished)


image (1)

Nebula Infinity Second Edition V2 Out Now

Whats new?

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed teleport and bring command being broken
  • Added 5 new commands
  • More advance command system
  • Event log page
  • Other changes

More Advanced command system

  • The commands module has been completely re-written

Command Modules changes

  • Checks for players instantly


By using the key words “player” or “subject” it will make sure that is a player when the command is used, if the player is nil then it will become the sender.

Features coming soon

  • History
  • Revamped UI
  • Mobile support


New Project (1) New Project (2)

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Where do I place the Nebula Infinity | Second Edition Loader?

Place the file in server script service.

Weird… when I did so, it lags a lot; How many things are in it?

EDIT: It goes out after a short time.

It does not work like it’s supposed to. It does not load at all.

Which file are you using, could you provide a screenshot?

Sorry it’s been seven days, but here is the file:


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Seems you havve the loader, you need this file.
Nebula Infinity.rbxm (8.9 KB)

I thought I needed the loader… never mind. I’ll try it out.

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