Need feedback for my 'GFX'

I just started making ‘GFX’ yesterday. Do they qualify as real GFX? Or do then need to look better to qualify as GFX?
boboisnumber1 GFX PFP tangygreenfalcon01 GFX PFP Styrofoamic GFX PFP TJO Group Icon


They look pretty good! In my book they’re gfxs. Keep in mind that “gfx” means “graphics” so yes, they are gfxs :slight_smile:

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Amazing GFX! I absolutely agree with the detail, the backround might need to use a little more detail! Also, this is a GFX, to my knowledge! Great job thou! Keep up the great work! :grinning:

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Thanks for the feedback about my GFX. Ill try to give the background more detail.


I can’t believe you just started yesterday that is amazing. Are you creating the renders yourself as well?


What do you mean by renders? I just did some effects in photoshop.


Does it qualifies as a GFX?
Probably. since it came from roblox studio it’s automatically not but if you added effect like what’ve you done over here it does actually qualifies.

is it good?
probably needs practice but it’s good overall.

how to improve it?
decrease the drop shadow in the second picture or remove it all together.
re-pose the third one because it doesn’t look as appealing.
re-pose the arm position for the forth one.
(optional) add a vignette effect to the background.

7/10 will return for improvements.

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The characters themselves. Did you literally just position them inside of Roblox Studio and export the model image or did you render the characters inside of a third part software?

(I’m assuming you got the images on-site since you did not know what I was referring to)

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Oh I just pose them in roblox studio then I export the model and take a screenshot of it in 3D view.

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This is an OK idea, but I suggest that you pose them in Blender, if you’ve heard of it. There are lots of really nice, simple Rigs on the Internet, which just make your Character look a bit better, like the attached image - my work, not stolen. Also, vary the lighting style, perhaps. Good though!



Thanks for your suggestion, but I prefer to use 3d view as it is easier to do.

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GFX, not GFXs by the way. GFX would be graphicss.


Looks good, I’d recommend using an HDRI if you’re not already so lighting isn’t flat. Any graphic design qualifies as GFX. I’d also recommend making the lighting on the character match the background. For example, red background, red light.

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Oh thanks I have been trying to find a way to do a light effect.

2 Likes hope these help!

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Thanks ill watch them in a moment.

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This is my very first GFX.


Fix the backgrounds, They look boring

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