Hey all! I’m working on this new game called Prismarium. I need some feedback on how I can make the player experience better.
I need some tips on lighting too.
Hey all! I’m working on this new game called Prismarium. I need some feedback on how I can make the player experience better.
I need some tips on lighting too.
How do you craft? I put both ingredients into the press, but nothing came out.
you have to make the cubes touch eachother.
well on the bright side this gives me the idea to add a tutorial.
ok I added a tutorial to be published next update. what else?
Yeah, without a tutorial this is not gonna be a good experience to those who (like me) have no idea what is supposed to happen in the game. Ran around for a few minutes, picked up a couple of cubes, couldn’t place them anywhere, left.
seems im gonna have to add some kind of lore to at least let people know what is supposed to happen. Thanks for the info.
I would like some kind of mission checklist which would tell me what to gather and where to put it and maybe give awards for every task completed. Maybe don’t have so many different appliances (not sure how else to call them) at the start and spawn/unlock them gradually when player figures out the basics.
yea ill see what I can do with this.
a points system. will allow for the purchases of machines.
I removed the old tutorial and added a new one thats says lore as well has how to play
ok so I added whole lot of stuff now. do visit and tell me what else I can add
I still couldn’t figure out how to combine blocks. Tutorial says something about how some cubes touching other cubes can create something, so I kept throwing cubes into a pile, but nothing happened. Also that message is the most important one, but it disappears almost instantly with no time to read it.
I also had no idea how much money I have and purchasing something takes a very long time… only to get a message that I can’t purchase it.
I made some changes, anything else?
Nice to see you making a lot of progress so fast, but I still couldn’t figure out how to combine blocks (I feel like I’m missing something very obvious). The tutorial says cubes have to touch and I should make a wooden club. So I carried multiple wooden blocks and dropped them on each other, but nothing happens when I do that.
I think that mission note about the wooden club could have smaller text below which would clarify how to complete it.
I also managed to bug out Q and get softlocked (my char stopped dropping the cubes). It starts working again after a while.
And using J to skip the tutorial messages is not comfortable, could just be the same E or Q.
I would also give new players more time to walk around trying out things before the first darkness sets in.
this is a dismal failure on my part, but I forgot to mention that the recipe for a club is redcube+ woodcube . I’m going to mention this in the tutorial. Thank you so much for providing lots of feedback!
I would like to know more about the drop (Q) softlock. What do you exactly mean by soft lock?
I was carrying blocks, but clicking Q would not drop them. Not sure what it’s related to. After a while it would start working again.
oh yea, about this. the eligibility of a drop location depends on how far it is away from the camera, not the character. will work on this too.
I could not pick anything up, despite clicking on nearby cubes
but i really like the idea tbh
EDIT: I did manage to pick up one or two, but it doesnt work in first person and there is something wrong with your raycasts
My theory is that they are colliding with some of my avatar accessories (fix your ray blacklist pls its unplayable for me)