I just need feedback on how I can improve my ui and your opinions.
Btw, heres what I’m working on:
Feedback on my Parkour Engine
I just need feedback on how I can improve my ui and your opinions.
Btw, heres what I’m working on:
Feedback on my Parkour Engine
I dont have any ideas for you so i wouldnt comment but i just have to because WOW this is amazing
try making the text all the same size
This UI looks good! Make the text fully white and bright though, so it’s more visible and it stands out. Otherwise, nice job on it!
I would work on the text size, some of the letters look like they’re clipping into the border. I would try making the size unison throughout all the buttons, but aside from that it look pretty good, though I would try to fill the bottom part of the UI box, doesn’t even have to be options it could just be credits or version or whatever you want it to be.
You don’t need to change anything right now, it’s fine. But seriously I love that UI design.
Its good but in my opinion the buttons looks like it was from a mobile game, so heres a few ideas that i can give to see if you would like it:
1.Removing the gradient and make the buttons like a square-shaped with curves, and then change the transparency to the same number as the background of the UI
2.Change the position and size of the text to make it smaller instead of huge